
expats in Lisbon

How to secure your Portugal D7 Visa in 2024: an exhaustive guide

How to secure your Portugal D7 Visa in 2024: an exhaustive guide

Exploring the serene landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and welcoming communities of Portugal is a dream for many. If you're from outside the EU, EEA, or Switzerland, the Portugal D7 Visa, also known as the Passive Income Visa, offers an excellent pathway to enjoying life in this charming country. This detailed guide provides everything you need to know about securing your D7 Visa, from eligibility to benefits and beyond. I'm Lisbob, the expat assistant, and I'm going to tell you how to secure your Portugal D7 Visa.

Portugal D8 Visa for Digital Nomad: Your complete guide

Portugal D8 Visa for Digital Nomad: Your complete guide

The Portugal D8 Visa offers digital nomads, remote workers, and freelancers the opportunity to establish residency in this picturesque country. Available to non-EU residents, this visa provides a pathway to living in Portugal for a minimum of one year. As a digital nomad visa, the D8 allows you to immerse yourself in a country that caters to the needs of remote professionals. Portugal, known for its stunning coastal views and vibrant nomad community, is an ideal location for those looking to blend work with the exploration of new cultures.


Embrace the freedom of remote work that aligns with the lifestyle of a digital nomad. In Portugal, you can enhance your career while enjoying the flexibility to work from anywhere within its borders—from the historic streets of Lisbon to the sunny beaches of the Algarve. Join Portugal’s growing community of digital nomads and experience life in a country that supports your professional and adventurous lifestyle. This article will outline the specifics of the D8 visa, including application requirements and highlight top Portuguese destinations that cater to the needs of remote workers.

How to get a Portuguese tax number NIF in person and online? Complete guide to obtaining a NIF in 2024

How to get a Portuguese tax number NIF in person and online? Complete guide to obtaining a NIF in 2024

If you're thinking of moving to Portugal, obtaining a Tax Identification Number (NIF) is an essential step. Essential for a multitude of daily activities, from paying for groceries to buying a house, the NIF is your key to successful integration in this magnificent country. Contrary to popular belief, obtaining an NIF is quick and easy, even for non-EU/EFTA citizens, with the possibility of acquiring it online for less than €100 and in less than a week. In this comprehensive guide, I explain everything you need to know about obtaining your Portuguese NIF in 2024, online or in person, without hassle or excessive costs.

Top 5 websites for obtaining a Portuguese NIF tax number online

Top 5 websites for obtaining a Portuguese NIF tax number online

Obtaining your NIF, the Portuguese tax number, is the first and most important administrative step to take when you decide to move to Portugal. Essential for finding accommodation, working or opening a bank account, the NIF is your tax identification number, and it is advisable to apply for it before you arrive. There are many sites on the internet (including mine) where you can apply for your NIF remotely, each with their own prices, deadlines and special features, and it's not easy to find your way around. To help you make sense of it all and find the best site for applying for your NIF online, I'm Lisbob, the expat assistant, and I've come up with my top 5 best sites for applying for a Portuguese NIF online.

9 good reasons to live in Lisbon

9 good reasons to live in Lisbon

For several years the Portuguese capital has been regularly nominated among the best cities to go to live there, and it is justified. Indeed, Lisbon has exceptional assets and does not have to be ashamed of other European capitals, whether in terms of heritage, infrastructure or quality of life. Choosing which city to expatriate to is just as or more important than choosing the country, and if Portugal is your favorite destination then Lisbon will have to be on your list when making the decision. In order to motivate you and help you prepare for this project, I am Lisbob, the expats’ assistant, and I reveal to you the 9 good reasons to live in Lisbon.

How to activate and obtain Chave Movel Digital in Portugal: complete guide 2024

How to activate and obtain Chave Movel Digital in Portugal: complete guide 2024

Obtaining Chave Movel Digital (CMD) is an essential step for easy access to online public and private services in Portugal. Tax sites (Finanças), social security, civil registry: there are many sites where you can use the Chave Movel Digital. In this article, I'll guide you through the simple and secure process of activating your CMD, an essential tool for anyone living in Portugal. I'm Lisbob, the expat assistant, and I'm going to show you how to activate and obtain the Chave Movel Digital in Portugal.

9 good reasons to live in Alentejo in Portugal

9 good reasons to live in Alentejo in Portugal

Alentejo is a region in southern Portugal that has a lot to offer those who want to make it their home. With its breathtaking scenery, pleasant year-round climate, rich and diverse cultural life and attractive property prices, it's easy to see why many people choose to live in this region. But these are not the only reasons why the Alentejo is an ideal place to live. I'm Lisbob, the expat assistant, and I'd like to share with you my 9 good reasons for moving to Alentejo.

Top 8 scams and traps to avoid in Portugal

Top 8 scams and traps to avoid in Portugal

When moving to a new country, it is unfortunately not uncommon to be a little too naive and trust everyone. It is said that after moving abroad, the word "pigeon" will be visible in the middle of your forehead. Whether it's in real estate, restaurants or other areas, Portugal, like other countries, has some well-honed scams that can cost you dearly. To help you avoid the pitfalls and not get caught out I am Lisbob, the expat assistant, and I reveal my top 8 scams in Portugal.

How to denounce and report a landlord or trader to the Finanças in Portugal?

How to denounce and report a landlord or trader to the Finanças in Portugal?

In Portugal, there are unfortunately many situations in which one may wish to report abusive behaviour. A landlord who has not issued an invoice or a contract, a trader who practices tax evasion... it is possible to denounce, anonymously if necessary, a person or a company that violates Portuguese law. I'm Lisbob, the expat assistant, and I tell you all about how to denounce a landlord and report or a trader to the Finanças?

How to get your Certificate of Residency CRUE (Certificado do Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia) In Portugal in 8 steps

How to get your Certificate of Residency CRUE (Certificado do Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia) In Portugal in 8 steps

Living in Portugal, it can not be improvised. There is the project, the dream, the excitement, the sun all year long, the feet in the water and the dolce vita, but there is also and above all formal steps to be taken to give you the right to stay in the country. The Certificado do Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia, more commonly known as CRUE, is one of the most important official documents to have as an expatriate in Portugal. You will be asked for many other administrative procedures and procedures. In order not to waste time and nerves, it is important to know in advance how to get your European Citizen Resident Certificate. How to get a CRUE Certificate of Residency in Portugal ? What are the documents needed to apply for a Certificado do Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia ? Lisbob, the expatriate's assistant in Portugal, shows you how to get your certificate of residency and finally live the life you dream of !

9 Administrative Procedures and Formalities to go to live in Portugal

9 Administrative Procedures and Formalities to go to live in Portugal

When expatriating to a new country, a certain number of administrative steps must be taken in order to fully settle in and become an expatriate. This is even more true in Portugal where different authorities issue different important documents, and where it is sometimes difficult to do the administrative steps in the right order. Procedures to become a resident, tax identification number, pet registration, car registration, there are many mandatory steps for those who want to live in Portugal and it is not easy to know how to live in Portugal and be in order. Moving to Portugal entails a number of obligations towards the various state bodies and it is important to comply with these obligations in order to avoid any problems. Any self-respecting expatriate must take these administrative steps in order to settle down fully. What are the administrative formalities and steps to complete to live in Portugal? How can I make sure that I am compliant and that I follow the steps to register to live in Portugal? I’m Lisbob, the expats assistant, and I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about the administrative steps to take when you decide to live in Portugal.

How to change the foreign address of your NIF to a Portuguese address, online

How to change the foreign address of your NIF to a Portuguese address, online

When you obtain your NIF via Lisbob, the address attached to it is a foreign address. To be considered a Portuguese tax resident, you need to change the address on your NIF to a Portuguese address. Once you have your lease or CRUE Resident Certificate, you can ask Finanças to change the address and terminate our tax representation. Lisbob, the expat assistant, tells you everything you need to know to change the foreign address of the NIF to a Portuguese address on the Finanças portal.

End-of-work bonus and severance pay in Portugal : everything you need to know in order to calculate and know your rights in case of job contract termination

End-of-work bonus and severance pay in Portugal : everything you need to know in order to calculate and know your rights in case of job contract termination

Everything that has a beginning to an end and a contract of employment in Portugal, even for an indefinite period, may one day be completed. The termination of the employment contract may entitle the employee to compensation, depending on the type of dismissal. When one leaves voluntarily or not his work at. Portugal it is important to know if one can benefit from end of contract benefits. In fact, Portuguese law sets award criteria and calculation methods for end-of-contract bonuses, whether you decide to leave your job or your employer decides to terminate your professional relationship. How to calculate the Portuguese end of contract bonus ? How to know these rights to severance benefits in Portugal ? Lisbob, the assistant of expats in Portugal, tells you all about end of contract bonuses and severance pay.

How to complete and transmit the quarterly declaration to social security as a self-employed person in Portugal ?

How to complete and transmit the quarterly declaration to social security as a self-employed person in Portugal ?

Since 1 January 2019 there has been a new reporting obligation for self-employed persons in Portugal. Indeed, a new mandatory quarterly declaration must be sent to the social security system in January, April, July and October, thus making it possible to calculate the amount of the contributions that the freelance must pay. The amount of social security taxes as a self-employed person in Portugal is now calculated each quarter according to the income obtaining over the previous 3 months. This social security declaration is made directly on the website Segurança Social Direita. How to complete your self-employed worker declaration in Portugal ? How to calculate social security contributions as a freelancer ? Lisbob, expats assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the quarterly income statement to the Portuguese Social Security.

Domestic Animals and Pets - Duties, Registration, Rules, Rights : Everything you need to know about cats and dogs in Portugal

Domestic Animals and Pets - Duties, Registration, Rules, Rights : Everything you need to know about cats and dogs in Portugal

Owners of pets in Portugal have certain duties that they must comply with. Basically, you have to register your pet, including a dog or cat. Whoever decide to come to live in Portugal with his pet will have to follow some steps and rules. Portugal imposes certain requirements on the owners of dogs and cats. These include registration and having a license, which you have to renew every year.  Living in Portugal with animals require some mandatory processes and registration. How do you register your pet in Portugal ? How many dogs and cats can I own ? How can I get and renew the license for my dog or cat ? Lisbob, expats assistant in Portugal, will tell you everything you need to know about registering and licensing your pets.

How to know the owner of a vehicle in Portugal ?

How to know the owner of a vehicle in Portugal ?

It may be easier than you think to identify the owner of a vehicle through his registration number. If you want, for example, to find the person who "hit" your car and who ran away, or who knows where his car is a little too close to yours, you just need to know the license plate of the car. vehicle and follow this guide. Indeed, in Portugal it is possible to obtain a Certificate of Registration which includes information about the vehicle, its owner and even its insurance. It is quite possible to check if a driver was well insured at a given time, information that can be crucial in case of accident and flight for example. How to know who owns a car in Portugal ? How to obtain the registration certificate ? Who does this car belong to ? Lisbob, the assistant of the expatriates in Portugal, tells you all about how to know who owns a car.

Home insurance in Portugal : all you need to know to choose the best for you

Home insurance in Portugal : all you need to know to choose the best for you

When making the decision to live in Portugal and buy real estate there, it is important to know how to choose a home insurance. Indeed, as in other countries, home insurance will cover the risks associated with your home, including theft, fire and earthquakes. This last risk is important in a country with strong seismic activity like Portugal. However, care must be taken because the rules concerning home insurance for expats not the same as those in other countries. Good home insurance is not necessarily good coverage. How to choose your home insurance in Portugal ? What are the different types of coverage to insure your home in Portugal ? Lisbob, expats assistant in Portugal, tells you everything you need to know when choosing your home insurance in Portugal.

5 mistakes to avoid when registering your car in Portugal

5 mistakes to avoid when registering your car in Portugal

For most people who choose to move to Portugal, registering their vehicle is often part of the process. As often during an expatriation, things are not so simple! Indeed, if you have the right to move to Portugal with your favorite vehicle, you also have rules to respect when you register your car if you want to not pay huge ISV tax. Indeed, some people think that legalising a car in Portugal is an easy task, but they discover quickly that it is by far one of the most difficult and complicated thing to do when you go to live in Portugal. A dirty engine, a bit too optimistic on the time needed by portuguese authorities to check documents, there are lot of mistakes and trap that you need to avoid if you want to import you car and ask for ISV tax exemption. In order to import your vehicle to Portugal it is necessary to avoid mistakes that can be fatal. What are the 5 mistakes to avoid when legalising your car in Portugal ? What are the pitfalls to avoid when importing a vehicle ? Lisbob, the expatriate's assistant in Portugal, tells you the 5 mistakes you should not make when registering your vehicle in Portugal.

How to obtain proof of address and certificate of fiscal residence in Portugal on finanças website in 9 steps

How to obtain proof of address and certificate of fiscal residence in Portugal on finanças website in 9 steps

When living in Portugal, it is common for us to be asked for proof of tax domicile or proof of address from the Portuguese tax authorities. This administrative approach has become over the years a mere formality thanks to new technologies. Indeed, it is now possible for any taxpayer, even a foreign expatriate, to request and receive a proof of tax residence that serves as proof of address in Portugal. This free document, which is obtained online, certifies your home in Portugal and can be requested on several occasions during your life of expatriate: to contract services or recurring services, to open a bank account, to make a loan or credit or to enroll his children in a Portuguese school. The majority of people use water or electricity bills as proof of address or proof of address, but the personal information on these documents means that some people simply prefer to provide proof of tax domicile. How to get a proof of Portuguese tax domicile ? How to request and receive proof of tax address in Portugal ? Lisbob, expats assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about how to have proof of residence in Portugal directly on the website of financas, in 9 steps.

The most popular names in Portugal in 2020: Maria widely in the lead among girls, a classic Francisco and João among boys

The most popular names in Portugal in 2020: Maria widely in the lead among girls, a classic Francisco and João among boys

The Portuguese newspaper Diario Das Noticias had access to the list of the most popular names in 2020 in Portugal and unveiled the latest trends. The attribution of the first name of newborns is taken very seriously in Portugal which is one of the strictest countries in Europe on this subject, with a list of around 1,000 authorized first names, which explains why the same first names are often used. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the ranking of the first names of Portuguese newborns in 2020.