When you obtain your NIF via Lisbob, its address is a foreign address and there is a fiscal representative. You can ask Finanças to terminate our tax representation by following these simple steps. Lisbob, the expat assistant, tells you everything you need to know to remove fiscal representation on your NIF number.
How to change the foreign address of your NIF to a Portuguese address, online
When you obtain your NIF via Lisbob, the address attached to it is a foreign address. To be considered a Portuguese tax resident, you need to change the address on your NIF to a Portuguese address. Once you have your lease or CRUE Resident Certificate, you can ask Finanças to change the address and terminate our tax representation. Lisbob, the expat assistant, tells you everything you need to know to change the foreign address of the NIF to a Portuguese address on the Finanças portal.