How to get your Certificate of Residency CRUE (Certificado do Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia) In Portugal in 8 steps — Lisbob

How to get your Certificate of Residency CRUE (Certificado do Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia) In Portugal in 8 steps

Living in Portugal, it can not be improvised. There is the project, the dream, the excitement, the sun all year long, the feet in the water and the dolce vita, but there is also and above all formal steps to be taken to give you the right to stay in the country. The Certificado do Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia, more commonly known as CRUE, is one of the most important official documents to have as an expatriate in Portugal. You will be asked for many other administrative procedures and procedures. In order not to waste time and nerves, it is important to know in advance how to get your European Citizen Resident Certificate. How to get a CRUE Certificate of Residency in Portugal ? What are the documents needed to apply for a Certificado do Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia ? Lisbob, the expatriate's assistant in Portugal, shows you how to get your certificate of residency and finally live the life you dream of !



How to get your European Citizen Certificate of Residency in 7 steps


As a European citizen, you have the right to reside in Portugal without taking any particular steps (you must of course be able to prove your membership of the European Union and therefore have in your possession an identity card or a passport valid). It is the same for the members of your family. However, if you wish to move permanently in the country, you will need to register among the European residents of Portugal. The Certificado do Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia (CRUE Certificate of Residency) is to be requested maximum 30 days after the end of the 3 months "free". Here are the 7 steps to make your request and get your Certificado do Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia in Portugal.


1. Go to the town hall


The first thing you need to do to get your Certificate of Residency in Portugal (Certificado do Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia) is to go to the Town Hall of your city (Câmara Municipal).

If you live in Lisbon, know that it is located in Entrecampos (Praça do Município 38) and is open from 8am to 20h on weekdays. For the other cities it will be necessary to go simply to the Town hall.


2. Take a ticket


Who says live in Portugal necessarily says take a ticket. Taking the right senha is important to save you time in your efforts. Can you imagine standing in line, being called at the wrong ticket and having to start again? This happens unfortunately too many times. For your request for CRUE Certificate of Residency, be careful to take the ticket "European Citizen" (Cidadão europeu).



3. Indicate the reason for the request


When you fill in the form for your Certificate of Residency in Portugal (Certificado do Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia), the first thing to do is to indicate the reason for it. Do not be mistaken ! Depending on your situation, you have the choice between:


-      First request ;

-      Address change ;

-      Renewal.


How to get your Certificate of Residency CRUE (Certificado do Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia) In Portugal in 8 steps

How to get your Certificate of Residency CRUE (Certificado do Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia) In Portugal in 8 steps


4. Provide the requested documents


As always when it comes to administrative procedures, you will be asked to submit a number of documents. In order to obtain your Certificado do Registo of Cidadão da União Europeia (CRUE Certificate of Residency), you must first check your situation: workers, retiree or student.


Regardless of your situation, you will need to provide a valid identity document (ID card or passport). And depending on your case, you will have to provide as well :


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Download Lisbob : the 1 st mobile app for expats in Portugal !



Be careful ! If you forget to make your declaration of residence in Portugal, you incur a fine up to 1500 €! Getting your Certificado do Registo from Cidadão da União Europeia is therefore one of your priorities when you decide to live in Portugal. Once the documents provided and the completed form, you must go to another service.


5. Take the ticket for cash


Another ticket story ! For the rest of your application for Permanent Residence in Portugal, you must indeed return to the lobby of the City Hall to take a ticket that this time will give you access to the treasury sector "tesouraria" in Portuguese. Give the document that you have been given before, and the person at the counter will prepare an invoice.



6. Pay the fees


You are almost there! Set the 16 € requested at the counter and especially, keep the receipt! You are not far from having your Certificado do Registo of Cidadão da União Europeia (CRUE). This sum will be paid every time you make a renewal of CRUE or a simple change of address, or even if you lose your Certificado do Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia current.


There are always lines in Portugal

There are always lines in Portugal


7. Go back to first desk


When you are told that the administration is the same everywhere! Armed with your last moments of patience you will have to return to the first desk to present the receipt you have just recovered. No need to redo the queue, it's always your turn and the official will wait for you and your receipt. You are almost done ! You will get your Certificate of Residency CRUE (Certificado do Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia) very soon !




8. Sign


The hour of deliverance has come! You just have to sign the document to leave (finally) with your CRUE Certificate of Residency (Certificado do Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia). Bob will never tell you that often enough, this document is one of the most important as an expatriate in Portugal. This Certificado do Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia will allow you to register or to identify yourself to different authorities and administrative services (even if it doesn’t have any picture of you on it). Keep your CRUE preciously, make a photocopy of it, and do not forget to modify it if you change your address.

How to get your Certificate of Residency in Portugal will be easy thanks to Lisbob

How to get your Certificate of Residency in Portugal will be easy thanks to Lisbob


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