Insurance — Blog Live in Portugal - Expats - Lisbob Expats Assistant in Portugal, Spain and Italy


Compulsory insurances for house staff and personal assistance in Portugal

Compulsory insurances for house staff and personal assistance in Portugal

If you make the decision to live in Portugal, then you may have to hire house staff. Unfortunately, it is not unusual that these activities are not declared. This is of course illegal, because any paid activity must be registered with the relevant authorities. It is also dangerous for the concerned employees because they are exposed to difficult situations in the event of illness, loss of employment or work accident. Fraudulent employers may face heavy fines and can even be sentenced to imprisonment. It is therefore strongly recommended, for the well-being of all, to declare your employees to the competent authorities.Personal care services are quite developed in Portugal: taking care of your home, your parents, your children, your garden or even you is a common practice. There are, however, rules to follow if you decide to call in domestic staff. The hiring of personal care professionals in Portugal must be done in accordance with the law. What are the compulsory insurances for house staff in Portugal ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about personal assistance.

How to know the owner of a vehicle in Portugal ?

How to know the owner of a vehicle in Portugal ?

It may be easier than you think to identify the owner of a vehicle through his registration number. If you want, for example, to find the person who "hit" your car and who ran away, or who knows where his car is a little too close to yours, you just need to know the license plate of the car. vehicle and follow this guide. Indeed, in Portugal it is possible to obtain a Certificate of Registration which includes information about the vehicle, its owner and even its insurance. It is quite possible to check if a driver was well insured at a given time, information that can be crucial in case of accident and flight for example. How to know who owns a car in Portugal ? How to obtain the registration certificate ? Who does this car belong to ? Lisbob, the assistant of the expatriates in Portugal, tells you all about how to know who owns a car.

Home insurance in Portugal : all you need to know to choose the best for you

Home insurance in Portugal : all you need to know to choose the best for you

When making the decision to live in Portugal and buy real estate there, it is important to know how to choose a home insurance. Indeed, as in other countries, home insurance will cover the risks associated with your home, including theft, fire and earthquakes. This last risk is important in a country with strong seismic activity like Portugal. However, care must be taken because the rules concerning home insurance for expats not the same as those in other countries. Good home insurance is not necessarily good coverage. How to choose your home insurance in Portugal ? What are the different types of coverage to insure your home in Portugal ? Lisbob, expats assistant in Portugal, tells you everything you need to know when choosing your home insurance in Portugal.

How to subscribe to a temporary car insurance in Portugal ?

How to subscribe to a temporary car insurance in Portugal ?

Portugal is known for its variety of activities. Indeed, these large wildernesses allow nature lovers to indulge in different hobbies. Fishing is a part of it and it is important to know your insurance obligations. As in other European countries, Portugal imposes a certain number of rules to be fulfilled in order to be able to engage in the practice of the fishing and drive a pleasure boat, that it is occasional for the leisure or professional. Every fisherman must be careful to be in good standing about insurance. Some fishermen are legally required to take out insurance to be able to fish. What compulsory insurance to subscribe to be able to fish ? What are the covers offered ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the different types of insurance for fishermen to fish safely.

Mandatory and optional insurance as freelancer in Portugal

Mandatory and optional insurance as freelancer in Portugal

You made the decision to come live and work as a freelancer in Portugal? As a self-entrepreneur there are certain obligations that you must respect in terms of insurance. The subject may seem nebulous when one does not know Portuguese language and legislation but it is important to know your obligations as a freelancer in Portugal. What are the compulsory insurance as a self-employed person in Portugal? Do I have to take a professional multi-risk for my auto-entrepreneur activity? Lisbob, the expats assistant in Portugal tells you everything.

How to choose your type of car insurance in Portugal : third-party and all-risks

How to choose your type of car insurance in Portugal : third-party and all-risks

When you decide to go live in Portugal with your vehicle, then the question of car insurance arises at a given moment. Although Portugal is a European country and the rules of car insurance are generally similar to other countries, Portuguese insurance has a way of operating, insurance policies and covers of your car that differ and are unique. Indeed, the third-party car insurance or all risks have each advantages and disadvantages that should be weighed before choosing car insurance. Car insurance can offer several coverages, depending on the budget and the risks you want to take care of. There are two types of motor insurance: car liability insurance and all-risk insurance. What are the differences between motor insurance against third parties and comprehensive insurance in Portugal ?  What type of insurance to choose ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about third-party car insurance and all risks.

Health Mutual in Portugal : which option to choose ?

Health Mutual in Portugal : which option to choose ?

Searching an insurance as an expatriate may be a real obstacle course, especially if you don’t speak Portuguese. Ask a quote nearby several insurance companies is primordial, in particular to know the advantages and disadvantages of each insurance and thus choose the product that fits you best. In Portugal, being covered by the Portuguese social security allows you to be healed / treated in public institutions. A simple consultation will be less expensive than in the private sector but the waiting time to get an appointment will be much longer and you won’t be able to choose your referring doctor. In order to reduce the costs related to your mutual, it is important to ask yourself: in which situation I want to use my mutual? Am I going frequently to the doctor? The dentist? In case of hospitalization, I want to be treated in France or use my mutual in Portugal? These are only few examples of questions that are important to think about before taking your decision. Indeed, some mutual will cover more or less well these different points and if you did not make your choice correctly at the beginning, you may face unforeseen events the day you will have to use your mutual. Lisbob, assistant for expats, in partnership with Inov Expat, tells you everything about health mutual in Portugal.

Insurance for fishermen and pleasure boat in Portugal : leisure, sport or professional fishing

Insurance for fishermen and pleasure boat in Portugal : leisure, sport or professional fishing

Portugal is known for its variety of activities. Indeed, these large wildernesses allow nature lovers to indulge in different hobbies. Fishing is a part of it and it is important to know your insurance obligations. As in other European countries, Portugal imposes a certain number of rules to be fulfilled in order to be able to engage in the practice of the fishing and drive a pleasure boat, that it is occasional for the leisure or professional. Every fisherman must be careful to be in good standing about insurance. Some fishermen are legally required to take out insurance to be able to fish. What compulsory insurance to subscribe to be able to fish ? What are the covers offered ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the different types of insurance for fishermen to fish safely.

Guide to move to Portugal : preparation, steps and precautions for a perfect move

Guide to move to Portugal : preparation, steps and precautions for a perfect move

If you have made the decision to live in Portugal, your expatriation will necessarily go through a move. Leaving your country and moving to Portugal can become a brain teaser if you are unprepared and if you do not know which trusted carrier to turn to. The organisation of a move from United-Kingdom or another country to Portugal must be done with preparation and certain precautions must be taken. Indeed, moving to another country is not easy if you are not prepared. How to prepare for your move ? What are the precautions to take to move from your country to Portugal ? How to move to Portugal ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about moving serenely to Portugal.

Prevention of forest fires in Portugal : all the new mandatory measures

Prevention of forest fires in Portugal : all the new mandatory measures

If you live in Portugal or are Portuguese tax resident you have received an email from Finanças. The Portuguese State communicates on its campaign of prevention and fight against forest fires. Last year many forest fires ravaged Portugal with many deaths. This campaign aims to prevent fires by explaining some measures now mandatory and even lead to fines of up to 60,000 euros. Bob, the Expats Personal Assistant in Lisbon and Portugal, tells you everything about Finanças' email on the fire prevention campaign and new measures.