expats Portuga — Blog Live in Portugal - Expats - Lisbob Expats Assistant in Portugal, Spain and Italy

expats Portuga

How to activate notification channels and remove your NIF tax representative on Portal das Finanças

How to activate notification channels and remove your NIF tax representative on Portal das Finanças

When you obtain your NIF via Lisbob, its address is a foreign address and there is a fiscal representative. You can ask Finanças to terminate our tax representation by following these simple steps. Lisbob, the expat assistant, tells you everything you need to know to remove fiscal representation on your NIF number.

How to change the foreign address of your NIF to a Portuguese address, online

How to change the foreign address of your NIF to a Portuguese address, online

When you obtain your NIF via Lisbob, the address attached to it is a foreign address. To be considered a Portuguese tax resident, you need to change the address on your NIF to a Portuguese address. Once you have your lease or CRUE Resident Certificate, you can ask Finanças to change the address and terminate our tax representation. Lisbob, the expat assistant, tells you everything you need to know to change the foreign address of the NIF to a Portuguese address on the Finanças portal.

How to buy or sell a car in Portugal, new or second-hand vehicle ?

How to buy or sell a car in Portugal, new or second-hand vehicle ?

Your took the decision to become an expat in Portugal, now is the time to think about what you will do your vehicle. Portugal is fiercely protecting its domestic market and heavily taxing vehicles coming from abroad, European countries being no exception. Although some may qualify for an exemption from the ISV tax, the rules are often unclear and changing so despite a certain attachment and sometimes a significant investment, many expatriates decide to sell their car in former country to buy another in Portugal. Here again the rules are sometimes vague, and we must be careful that the act of buying or selling a vehicle is done in the rules to be protected, whether a new car or a second-hand one. How to buy a car in Portugal ? What are the steps to sell your vehicle ? What to check for when buying a used car in Portugal ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal gives you all the details to buy and sell your car serenely.

How to get your Certificate of Residency CRUE (Certificado do Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia) In Portugal in 8 steps

How to get your Certificate of Residency CRUE (Certificado do Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia) In Portugal in 8 steps

Living in Portugal, it can not be improvised. There is the project, the dream, the excitement, the sun all year long, the feet in the water and the dolce vita, but there is also and above all formal steps to be taken to give you the right to stay in the country. The Certificado do Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia, more commonly known as CRUE, is one of the most important official documents to have as an expatriate in Portugal. You will be asked for many other administrative procedures and procedures. In order not to waste time and nerves, it is important to know in advance how to get your European Citizen Resident Certificate. How to get a CRUE Certificate of Residency in Portugal ? What are the documents needed to apply for a Certificado do Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia ? Lisbob, the expatriate's assistant in Portugal, shows you how to get your certificate of residency and finally live the life you dream of !

Everything you need to know about technical car inspection in Portugal

Everything you need to know about technical car inspection in Portugal

Living in Portugal with your vehicle also means complying with the mandatory car technical inspection. These inspections are used to ensure the proper functioning of the vehicle and to detect any anomalies. When you import and legalise your car in Portugal the technical car inspection is the first step. Portugal is also inspecting the pollution in order to fight climate change. If you live in Portugal, you have to respect some deadlines to pass car inspection. How much costs technical inspection in Portugal ? What are the mandatory deadlines for your car to pass the technical control ? How to pass the technical control for his car in Portugal ? Lisbob, the Expats Personal Assistant in Lisbon and Portugal, tells you everything.

5 mistakes to avoid when registering your car in Portugal

5 mistakes to avoid when registering your car in Portugal

For most people who choose to move to Portugal, registering their vehicle is often part of the process. As often during an expatriation, things are not so simple! Indeed, if you have the right to move to Portugal with your favorite vehicle, you also have rules to respect when you register your car if you want to not pay huge ISV tax. Indeed, some people think that legalising a car in Portugal is an easy task, but they discover quickly that it is by far one of the most difficult and complicated thing to do when you go to live in Portugal. A dirty engine, a bit too optimistic on the time needed by portuguese authorities to check documents, there are lot of mistakes and trap that you need to avoid if you want to import you car and ask for ISV tax exemption. In order to import your vehicle to Portugal it is necessary to avoid mistakes that can be fatal. What are the 5 mistakes to avoid when legalising your car in Portugal ? What are the pitfalls to avoid when importing a vehicle ? Lisbob, the expatriate's assistant in Portugal, tells you the 5 mistakes you should not make when registering your vehicle in Portugal.