
move to Portugal

Rights of pregnant women in Portugal: What are they and how can they benefit?

Rights of pregnant women in Portugal: What are they and how can they benefit?

Pregnancy is an important step in the life of the woman and the couple and is therefore protected in Portugal by law, which gives certain rights to pregnant women. As soon as she is in pregnancy and to benefit from the rights of the pregnant woman, she can and must acquire the status of pregnant worker (pregnant trabalhadora). Do you know what are the exclusive rights for pregnant women in Portugal ? How to benefit ? Bob, the Expats Personal Assistant in Lisbon and Portugal, makes you aware of the rights of the woman during pregnancy and the baby's early years.

10 good reasons to retire in Portugal

10 good reasons to retire in Portugal

Portugal is attracting more and more foreign pensioners who decide to live happy days away from their country of origin. Also, many Portuguese or Luso-descendants who return to their country to retire there. Although each decision has its own reasons, Portugal benefits from several assets that make the country a landmark destination for retirement. Cost of living, security, weather, each retiree will have his own reasons for having decided to retire in Portugal. In order to help you in your decision and remaining as objective as possible, we have listed for you the best reasons to live your retirement in Portugal. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the 10 good reasons to retire in Portugal.

Taxes : How to register invoices in Portugal step by step ( and receive a larger tax refund )

Taxes : How to register invoices in Portugal step by step ( and receive a larger tax refund )

Did you know that you can have tax refund just by giving your NIF while doing groceries ? Indeed in Portugal, every year you have to confirm all expenses you have done . You have communicated your Numéro de Contribuente for each purchase made or service ordered, so you have made halfway to claim a tax refund. In Portugal giving your NIF is not the only thing that you have to do. It is necessary to register receipts on the website of Finanças and to give sort them by category. Why should you give your NIF when you buy stuff ? How to register your bills in Portugal on the website of Finanças ? Which information to communicate ? How to optimize your invoices registration to receive an even greater tax refund ? Lisbob, expats assistant in Portugal, tells you everything.

Complaints Book: All about the settlement of commercial litigation in Portugal

Complaints Book: All about the settlement of commercial litigation in Portugal

In recent years in Portugal any commercial establishment or service provider must make a complaints book available to customers. It allows to settle and keep track of all disputes between customers and institutions. If you live in Portugal you will often see this small red poster at the entrance of these. However few people really know what it is. What are your rights as a consumer in Portugal ? What to do in case of commercial dispute ? What are the consequences ? Bob, the Expats Personal Assistant in Lisbon and Portugal, tells you everything.

Lost and Found : What if I lost something in Lisbon?

Lost and Found : What if I lost something in Lisbon?

Did you lose any official documents or personal belongings while traveling to Lisbon? Whether in public transport (bus, metro, train, boat or other), or in stations or even taxi, there are lost-and-found solutions available to expatriates or tourists to find what has been lost. What to do when you have lost an object in Lisbon? Who to contact? Where is the lost-and-found in Lisbon ? Lisbob, the Expats Personal Assistant in Lisbon and Portugal tells you everything I you have lost something in Lisbon.

Living in Portugal : all you need to know to expatriate and move to Portugal in 2020

Living in Portugal : all you need to know to expatriate and move to Portugal in 2020

Making the decision to live in Portugal is the result of many factors, personal and professional, but also the result of a long process paved with questions and doubts. Moving to Portugal does not happen overnight, and the preparations and procedures are numerous but necessary. Whether you have already made the decision to live in Portugal in retirement, to work there, without speaking Portuguese or to buy a house, the information to prepare your expatriation must be precise and clear. Each project and each adventure is unique and it would be difficult to tell you exactly how your expatriation will be. Our ultimate advice is to prepare well because it is the key to a successful expatriation. Where to live in Portugal ? How to live in Portugal with 1000 euros ? How to live in Portugal ? Is it possible to go to work in Portugal without speaking Portuguese ? How is renting or rent prices, and how to buy a house in Portugal? For all these questions LisBob, the expats assistant, tells you everything you need to know to live in Portugal in 2020.

The Lisbon City Council wants to charge a fee of one euro for each taxi service at the airport

The Lisbon City Council wants to charge a fee of one euro for each taxi service at the airport

The city of Lisbon wants to pay a tax of one euro to each taxi driver going to the airport Humberto Delgado to improve access to the latter but also the portfolio of the City Council, says the Jornal Economico in his printed edition. According to the Portuguese daily, the issue is being discussed in the negotiations on the new passenger car access regulation at Lisbon airport. The objective according to the City Council is to ensure the sustainability of the management of taxi places in the Portuguese capital. The president of the Lisbon taxi trade union, Antral, says that "the Lisbon City Council already receives 600,000 euros a year to manage areas dedicated to Lisbon taxis". This new tax would obviously be passed on to customers who would take a taxi from or to Lisbon airport. Where are the discussions? Why introduce this new tax of one euro? Lisbob, the expatriate's assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this new tax of one euro.

10 official and definitive stats of the real estate market in Portugal in 2018

10 official and definitive stats of the real estate market in Portugal in 2018

The National Institute of Statistics of Portugal INE has published the official and definitive figures of the Portuguese real estate market for 2018. More and more real estate are sold and for higher and higher values. Lisbon continues to shine in the real estate market, but last year, the palm of the region with the fastest growth was the Alentejo. According to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), prices have risen for the last 5 consecutive years, but they are starting to show signs of slowing down. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, gathered the ten official and definitive figures of the Portuguese real estate market in 2018.

All about the new rental contract with life lease in Portugal

All about the new rental contract with life lease in Portugal

Portugal has introduced a new law on the right to housing and has introduced a new type of lease: the life contract. Indeed this new law of the right to sustainable housing makes it possible to conclude contracts of housing for life between owners and tenants. In practice, the real right to sustainable housing functions as a tenancy agreement that lasts until the tenant dies. But this implies compliance with other obligations that the "conventional" lease does not provide. This new type of lease for life allows for some stability but also entails new obligations on the part of the tenant and the owner. What are the terms of the lease for life? How does the lease with life lease in Portugal work? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the lease for life.

The 2nd largest shark in the world filmed along the coast of Sesimbra in Portugal

The 2nd largest shark in the world filmed along the coast of Sesimbra in Portugal

Portugal is known for visiting many species such as dolphins, but it is also sometimes sharks that come to discover the Portuguese coastline. Indeed, a large basking shark, the 2nd largest species in the world, was seen this Saturday in Sesimbra, during a boat trip from the Dive Club Cipreia, more exactly on their return to the marina. This rare moment of extreme beauty has been captured in video. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this meeting with the second largest fish in the world, the basking shark.

Guide to move to Portugal : preparation, steps and precautions for a perfect move

Guide to move to Portugal : preparation, steps and precautions for a perfect move

If you have made the decision to live in Portugal, your expatriation will necessarily go through a move. Leaving your country and moving to Portugal can become a brain teaser if you are unprepared and if you do not know which trusted carrier to turn to. The organisation of a move from United-Kingdom or another country to Portugal must be done with preparation and certain precautions must be taken. Indeed, moving to another country is not easy if you are not prepared. How to prepare for your move ? What are the precautions to take to move from your country to Portugal ? How to move to Portugal ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about moving serenely to Portugal.

Portugal launches a Cartão de Cidadão for expats living in Portugal as part of the Simplex + 2018

Portugal launches a Cartão de Cidadão for expats living in Portugal as part of the Simplex + 2018

The Portuguese government will launch, as part of the Simplex + 2018, a new "card of citizenship" (cartão de cidadão) for foreigners residing in Portugal, which will include tax identification, social security and the national health system. A small revolution is preparing for expatriates living in Portugal. Until now as a foreigner it was necessary to report to the different administrations (Finanças, Segurança social and SNS) in order to register, the services not communicating with each other. It will now be a thing of the past as expatriates will now be able to apply for a cartão de cidadão specifically for foreigners living in Portugal. What are the characteristics of this citizenship card for foreigners ? Where will it be possible to register for it ? How to get Cart de Cidadão for expats ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistor in Portugal, tells you all about the new cartão de cidadão for expatriates living in Portugal.

Google opens a new development center in Portugal : 1,000 jobs to be filled

Google opens a new development center in Portugal : 1,000 jobs to be filled

Portugal is known to attract major global groups in the field of new technologies and it is not uncommon to hear about the European Silicon Valley. The trend is confirmed even more today with the announcement made Wednesday, June 13 by Kent Walker, vice president of Google for international development. Indeed this year Portugal will host a training center and development of the operating system of Google Android with 1,000 positions to the key. When is planned the opening of this Google center in Portugal? Where will it be located? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the opening of the Google Development Center and its 1,000 vacancies.

Taste more than 200 wines in Lisbon for 3 euros

Taste more than 200 wines in Lisbon for 3 euros

If you decide to live in Portugal the good wines may be for something. Indeed Portugal is known to have quality vineyards and affordable but good wines in shops. And if you tasted 200 of them for only 3 €? Bob, the Expats' Personal Assistant in Lisbon and Portugal, makes you discover an event not to be missed if you are a wine lover. Let's go !

Working in Portugal ? Here is why your net salary will drop from January

Working in Portugal ? Here is why your net salary will drop from January

The Portuguese Parliament approved the new fiscal law 2018 that includes the end of the system of payment of the subsídios of Ferias and Natal spread over the year and this from January 1th. At the end of the year the net amount received will be the same but the effects for the first months of the year will be more or less important depending on your income and which option you choosed regarding subsídios. The net amount that you will receive at the end of January will be lower than last year (if you have opted for the spread of the payment of subsídios). This measure also applies to public employees and retirees in 2018.