

How to file and submit your online IRS income tax return in Portugal, step by step

How to file and submit your online IRS income tax return in Portugal, step by step

Since few years the IRS income tax declaration is entirely online in Portugal. The automatic IRS option is undoubtedly an option that greatly facilitates this obligation since it allows you to validate your declaration in a few clicks. If you want, you can trust fiscal authorities and let the declaration fill in automatically : you will just have to validate the declaration at the end of the process. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about how to complete your automatic IRS tax return online, step by step. Because the sooner you validate and submit your return, the sooner you will receive a refund if you are entitled to it.

New 2020 IRS tax rates and brackets in Portugal

New 2020 IRS tax rates and brackets in Portugal

The Portuguese government wants to change the income tax levels for next year, according to the preliminary version of the 2020 state budget, the final version of which will be delivered to the Portuguese parliament on Monday. The IRS tax rates do not change, but the brackets are updated taking into account inflation at 0.3%. Last year the rates had not changed, unlike 2018 which saw the emergence of new income tax levels. This proposal from the Portuguese government has yet to be definitively approved in the framework of the 2020 State Budget. What are the changes in the income tax levels in Portugal? What are the new Portuguese IRS tax rates? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant to Portugal, tells you all about the new income tax rates.

Working in Portugal ? Here is why your net salary will drop from January

Working in Portugal ? Here is why your net salary will drop from January

The Portuguese Parliament approved the new fiscal law 2018 that includes the end of the system of payment of the subsídios of Ferias and Natal spread over the year and this from January 1th. At the end of the year the net amount received will be the same but the effects for the first months of the year will be more or less important depending on your income and which option you choosed regarding subsídios. The net amount that you will receive at the end of January will be lower than last year (if you have opted for the spread of the payment of subsídios). This measure also applies to public employees and retirees in 2018.