portugal — Blog Live in Portugal - Expats - Lisbob Expats Assistant in Portugal, Spain and Italy


Rights of pregnant women in Portugal: What are they and how can they benefit?

Rights of pregnant women in Portugal: What are they and how can they benefit?

Pregnancy is an important step in the life of the woman and the couple and is therefore protected in Portugal by law, which gives certain rights to pregnant women. As soon as she is in pregnancy and to benefit from the rights of the pregnant woman, she can and must acquire the status of pregnant worker (pregnant trabalhadora). Do you know what are the exclusive rights for pregnant women in Portugal ? How to benefit ? Bob, the Expats Personal Assistant in Lisbon and Portugal, makes you aware of the rights of the woman during pregnancy and the baby's early years.

All about the periodic VAT declaration as a self-employed worker in Portugal

All about the periodic VAT declaration as a self-employed worker in Portugal

If you live and work as a freelancer in Portugal then the question of VAT collection or not is an important topic. It is essential for the success of your freelance activity to know the particularities of the VAT declaration in Portugal. Indeed in case of bad information transmission you expose yourself to sometimes heavy fines which can mean the end of your activity. Working as a freelancer in Portugal is not easy but thanks to Lisbob digital nomads have all cards in hand in order to know how to fill and send periodic VAT declaration in Portugal. What is periodic VAT return declaration ? How to fill it correctly ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal tells you all about the periodic VAT return in Portugal for the self-employed.

5 mistakes to avoid when working as a freelancer in Portugal

5 mistakes to avoid when working as a freelancer in Portugal

Going to live in Portugal and working there as a self-entrepreneur is an intensely exciting adventure. Every day new opportunities, ideas and challenges come to expats who are tempted by the freelance adventure in Portugal. One of the most important challenges as an expatriate in Portugal is of course the language. When it comes to important topics like your career as a freelancer it is essential to avoid some mistakes that can sometimes be very expensive. So that your "portuguese dream" does not end earlier than expected, Lisbob has gathered for you the 5 mistakes to avoid as a self-employed person in Portugal. With these tips no doubt you will already have fewer (bad) surprises and you can focus on your success.

Taxes : How to register invoices in Portugal step by step ( and receive a larger tax refund )

Taxes : How to register invoices in Portugal step by step ( and receive a larger tax refund )

Did you know that you can have tax refund just by giving your NIF while doing groceries ? Indeed in Portugal, every year you have to confirm all expenses you have done . You have communicated your Numéro de Contribuente for each purchase made or service ordered, so you have made halfway to claim a tax refund. In Portugal giving your NIF is not the only thing that you have to do. It is necessary to register receipts on the website of Finanças and to give sort them by category. Why should you give your NIF when you buy stuff ? How to register your bills in Portugal on the website of Finanças ? Which information to communicate ? How to optimize your invoices registration to receive an even greater tax refund ? Lisbob, expats assistant in Portugal, tells you everything.

Exclusive : The City of Lisbon unveils its new monument: the Cristiano Rei

Exclusive : The City of Lisbon unveils its new monument: the Cristiano Rei

Football holds a very important place in Portuguese culture, and the country's victory at the 2016 European Football Cup will remain one of the highlights of its contemporary history. To live in Portugal is also to listen to locals talking about their god: Cristiano Ronaldo. The genius of the ball will be entitled to an homage XXL, the image of his career and his statistics. Bob, the expatriate's assistant in Portugal, tells you everything.

Ponte 25 de Abril: Emergency work for serious cracks known for 3 years

Ponte 25 de Abril: Emergency work for serious cracks known for 3 years

Researchers at the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering (LNEC) have warned the government for several months the extreme urgency and need for structural work on Ponte 25 de Abril. To live in Portugal is also to take the most emblematic bridge that connects the Lisbon and Setubal regions. Indeed, confidential documents have reached the Visão magazine and indicate the severity of the cracks on Portugal's most heavily used bridge. What does the report say about the urgency of works on Ponte 25 de Abril? What are the measures taken to avoid the worst? Bob, the Expatriate Assistant in Lisbon and Portugal tells you everything.

Pollution of the Tagus: thousands of dead fish and an investigation in progress

Pollution of the Tagus: thousands of dead fish and an investigation in progress

The Secretary of State for the Portuguese Environment said today that those responsible for the appearance of white foam on the Tejo (Tagus), in the Abrantes region, are still unknown, and that "all measures taken are just a precaution. "This event follows the thousands of dead fish in the Tagus a few months ago. Bob, the Expats Personal Assistant in Portugal, tells you everything.

What to do in Lisbon on a rainy day ?

What to do in Lisbon on a rainy day ?

We will not deny it : a rainy day in Lisbon it is not the best to have fun.

But neither bad weather, cold or rain can stop someone who wants to enjoy the beautiful Lisbon and discover new activities.

Prepare the boots and the umbrella because from now on you will have no more excuses to rhyme rainy day with boring day.

We offer here six activities that can make the days of greyness very pleasant.

Strike at Portuguese airports during the Christmas and New Year holidays: cancellations and delays to be expected

Strike at Portuguese airports during the Christmas and New Year holidays: cancellations and delays to be expected

The Union of Airport Agents (SITAVA) has estimated that the strike of employees of security companies has a significant impact for the coming days, calling for delays in flights and even cancellations.