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Mandatory and optional insurance as freelancer in Portugal

Mandatory and optional insurance as freelancer in Portugal

You made the decision to come live and work as a freelancer in Portugal? As a self-entrepreneur there are certain obligations that you must respect in terms of insurance. The subject may seem nebulous when one does not know Portuguese language and legislation but it is important to know your obligations as a freelancer in Portugal. What are the compulsory insurance as a self-employed person in Portugal? Do I have to take a professional multi-risk for my auto-entrepreneur activity? Lisbob, the expats assistant in Portugal tells you everything.

Increase of the minimum wage in Portugal : the Portuguese Employers’ Union promises a "surprise" and an amount greater than 600 euros in 2019

Increase of the minimum wage in Portugal : the Portuguese Employers’ Union promises a "surprise" and an amount greater than 600 euros in 2019

In Portugal good surprises sometimes come from the bosses. The minimum wage is € 580 gross in 2018 in Portugal and this amount has seen several increases in recent years. At each discussion of the Portuguese State Budget, the workers 'and employers' unions negotiate and defend their interests and defend their work. But this year the CIP, the equivalent of the Employers’ Union in Portugal, could create a surprise by proposing an increase in the minimum wage beyond the expectations of all unions. Indeed, the boss of the CIP said that we should expect a surprise concerning the increase of the Portuguese minimum wage. What are these statements of the Portuguese Employers’ Union ? What is the proposed amount ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about raising the minimum wage in Portugal.