insurance freelancer — Blog Live in Portugal - Expats - Lisbob Expats Assistant in Portugal, Spain and Italy

insurance freelancer

Compulsory insurances for house staff and personal assistance in Portugal

Compulsory insurances for house staff and personal assistance in Portugal

If you make the decision to live in Portugal, then you may have to hire house staff. Unfortunately, it is not unusual that these activities are not declared. This is of course illegal, because any paid activity must be registered with the relevant authorities. It is also dangerous for the concerned employees because they are exposed to difficult situations in the event of illness, loss of employment or work accident. Fraudulent employers may face heavy fines and can even be sentenced to imprisonment. It is therefore strongly recommended, for the well-being of all, to declare your employees to the competent authorities.Personal care services are quite developed in Portugal: taking care of your home, your parents, your children, your garden or even you is a common practice. There are, however, rules to follow if you decide to call in domestic staff. The hiring of personal care professionals in Portugal must be done in accordance with the law. What are the compulsory insurances for house staff in Portugal ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about personal assistance.

Mandatory and optional insurance as freelancer in Portugal

Mandatory and optional insurance as freelancer in Portugal

You made the decision to come live and work as a freelancer in Portugal? As a self-entrepreneur there are certain obligations that you must respect in terms of insurance. The subject may seem nebulous when one does not know Portuguese language and legislation but it is important to know your obligations as a freelancer in Portugal. What are the compulsory insurance as a self-employed person in Portugal? Do I have to take a professional multi-risk for my auto-entrepreneur activity? Lisbob, the expats assistant in Portugal tells you everything.

Freelance : all the new rules on your rights and duties as a self-employed person in Portugal

Freelance : all the new rules on your rights and duties as a self-employed person in Portugal

Work as a freelancer in Portugal can be quite complicated specially when you don't speak Portuguese. Hopefully Bob is here to explain to you the new rules if you are a self-employed person in Portugal. The Portuguese Government has decided to modify the social protection rules in case of sickness, unemployment and parenthood for all self-employed in Portugal as from 1 July 2018. Indeed, a decree has been promulgated and it changes the rules for people working as a freelancer in Portugal. Disability, unemployment, parenthood, many points are changed regarding the rights and duties of freelancers in Portugal. What are the new rules for people working as freelancers in Portugal ? Which deadlines are modified ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the changes to the rights and duties of freelancer in Portugal.