
insurance fishing

Insurance for fishermen and pleasure boat in Portugal : leisure, sport or professional fishing

Insurance for fishermen and pleasure boat in Portugal : leisure, sport or professional fishing

Portugal is known for its variety of activities. Indeed, these large wildernesses allow nature lovers to indulge in different hobbies. Fishing is a part of it and it is important to know your insurance obligations. As in other European countries, Portugal imposes a certain number of rules to be fulfilled in order to be able to engage in the practice of the fishing and drive a pleasure boat, that it is occasional for the leisure or professional. Every fisherman must be careful to be in good standing about insurance. Some fishermen are legally required to take out insurance to be able to fish. What compulsory insurance to subscribe to be able to fish ? What are the covers offered ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the different types of insurance for fishermen to fish safely.