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expats in Lisbon

Home insurance in Portugal : all you need to know to choose the best for you

Home insurance in Portugal : all you need to know to choose the best for you

When making the decision to live in Portugal and buy real estate there, it is important to know how to choose a home insurance. Indeed, as in other countries, home insurance will cover the risks associated with your home, including theft, fire and earthquakes. This last risk is important in a country with strong seismic activity like Portugal. However, care must be taken because the rules concerning home insurance for expats not the same as those in other countries. Good home insurance is not necessarily good coverage. How to choose your home insurance in Portugal ? What are the different types of coverage to insure your home in Portugal ? Lisbob, expats assistant in Portugal, tells you everything you need to know when choosing your home insurance in Portugal.

5 mistakes to avoid when registering your car in Portugal

5 mistakes to avoid when registering your car in Portugal

For most people who choose to move to Portugal, registering their vehicle is often part of the process. As often during an expatriation, things are not so simple! Indeed, if you have the right to move to Portugal with your favorite vehicle, you also have rules to respect when you register your car if you want to not pay huge ISV tax. Indeed, some people think that legalising a car in Portugal is an easy task, but they discover quickly that it is by far one of the most difficult and complicated thing to do when you go to live in Portugal. A dirty engine, a bit too optimistic on the time needed by portuguese authorities to check documents, there are lot of mistakes and trap that you need to avoid if you want to import you car and ask for ISV tax exemption. In order to import your vehicle to Portugal it is necessary to avoid mistakes that can be fatal. What are the 5 mistakes to avoid when legalising your car in Portugal ? What are the pitfalls to avoid when importing a vehicle ? Lisbob, the expatriate's assistant in Portugal, tells you the 5 mistakes you should not make when registering your vehicle in Portugal.

How to obtain proof of address and certificate of fiscal residence in Portugal on finanças website in 9 steps

How to obtain proof of address and certificate of fiscal residence in Portugal on finanças website in 9 steps

When living in Portugal, it is common for us to be asked for proof of tax domicile or proof of address from the Portuguese tax authorities. This administrative approach has become over the years a mere formality thanks to new technologies. Indeed, it is now possible for any taxpayer, even a foreign expatriate, to request and receive a proof of tax residence that serves as proof of address in Portugal. This free document, which is obtained online, certifies your home in Portugal and can be requested on several occasions during your life of expatriate: to contract services or recurring services, to open a bank account, to make a loan or credit or to enroll his children in a Portuguese school. The majority of people use water or electricity bills as proof of address or proof of address, but the personal information on these documents means that some people simply prefer to provide proof of tax domicile. How to get a proof of Portuguese tax domicile ? How to request and receive proof of tax address in Portugal ? Lisbob, expats assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about how to have proof of residence in Portugal directly on the website of financas, in 9 steps.

The most popular names in Portugal in 2020: Maria widely in the lead among girls, a classic Francisco and João among boys

The most popular names in Portugal in 2020: Maria widely in the lead among girls, a classic Francisco and João among boys

The Portuguese newspaper Diario Das Noticias had access to the list of the most popular names in 2020 in Portugal and unveiled the latest trends. The attribution of the first name of newborns is taken very seriously in Portugal which is one of the strictest countries in Europe on this subject, with a list of around 1,000 authorized first names, which explains why the same first names are often used. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the ranking of the first names of Portuguese newborns in 2020.

How to start a food truck business in Portugal in 7 steps

How to start a food truck business in Portugal in 7 steps

Food trucks are on the rise! In Portugal, as elsewhere, these small ambulant catering trucks, synonymous with conviviality and greed, have conquered the entire planet, and everyone wants to open his own. Not a single market, not an outdoor event unfolds today without them participating in the party, for our greatest pleasure. There is even a food truck festival in Lisbon. In view of this proven success, you too may imagine you join the family of food truck owners and make it your freelance activity in Portugal. Food, drink, tasting, there are as many ideas to open a food truck as steps to make to get there. How to start a food truck business in Portugal ? What are the steps to start an itinerant catering activity ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal tells you everything to start a food truck business inPortugal in 7 steps. Let’s go !

Miradors of Lisbon : list of the 7 most beautiful points of view to visit in the Portuguese capital and walking route

Miradors of Lisbon : list of the 7 most beautiful points of view to visit in the Portuguese capital and walking route

When you come to visit Lisbon you must visit its miradors. The historic center of Lisbon is established on seven hills. When you admire Lisbon from a mirador, you have the impression of being suspended above the city, outside the time and tumults of city life. These panoramas are captivating and really relaxing. Over time, small squares have been built to enjoy a breathtaking view of the Portuguese capital: they are called miradouros, or watchtowers and through them visits Lisbon. When you look at the panorama offered by miradors, your perspective on the city changes, to the delight of the eyes and the senses. In order to make your life easier, we have created and shared with you a walking itinerary of the 7 most beautiful points of view of Lisbon. What are the must-see sights of the Portuguese capital? Lisbob, your assistant in Portugal, has prepared the list of the most beautiful viewpoints of Lisbon and a walking route to be able to contemplate everything.

Portugal elected best country for expats in Europe, 5th in the world

Portugal elected best country for expats in Europe, 5th in the world

As every year, the InterNations website unveils the results of its survey in order to find out the best destinations for expats. Portugal arrives this year in 5th place globally, while the country was still 3rd in 2020. Despite this decline in a pandemic year, Portugal remains the best country in Europe for expats, especially for quality of life , but the weak point of the country remains the work. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the ranking of the best countries for expats.

Porto voted best "small town" in the world to live in 2020

Porto voted best "small town" in the world to live in 2020

Porto is regularly cited for its quality of life and its international reputation is well established. The second largest city in Portugal has just stood out again by being classified as the best “small town” in the world to live there and according to the magazine Le Monocle. The city Invicta was 9th in 2019 and therefore shows good progress. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this new distinction for Porto.

Lisbon third best city in the world for expats

Lisbon third best city in the world for expats

Lisbon is regularly cited for its quality of life and its international reputation is well established. The Portuguese capital has just stood out again by being ranked as the third best city in the world for expats and according to the “Expat City Ranking 2020” ranking which compared 66 cities from all over the world. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this new distinction for Lisbon.

500,000 expats in Portugal : discover the top 10 foreign communities in Portugal

500,000 expats in Portugal : discover the top 10 foreign communities in Portugal

Brazil continues to dominate the top 3 nationalities with the most immigrants in Portugal, followed by Cape Verde, which was already in second position. The change on the podium takes place with the Romanian citizens who have reached the third place. Tax security and benefits, on the other hand, are attracting more and more European citizens to Portuguese territory, particularly in France and Italy. What is the top 10 foreign communities in Portugal? What is the evolution compared to last year? Lisbob, the assistant of expats in Portugal, tells you everything.

Living in Portugal : all you need to know to expatriate and move to Portugal in 2020

Living in Portugal : all you need to know to expatriate and move to Portugal in 2020

Making the decision to live in Portugal is the result of many factors, personal and professional, but also the result of a long process paved with questions and doubts. Moving to Portugal does not happen overnight, and the preparations and procedures are numerous but necessary. Whether you have already made the decision to live in Portugal in retirement, to work there, without speaking Portuguese or to buy a house, the information to prepare your expatriation must be precise and clear. Each project and each adventure is unique and it would be difficult to tell you exactly how your expatriation will be. Our ultimate advice is to prepare well because it is the key to a successful expatriation. Where to live in Portugal ? How to live in Portugal with 1000 euros ? How to live in Portugal ? Is it possible to go to work in Portugal without speaking Portuguese ? How is renting or rent prices, and how to buy a house in Portugal? For all these questions LisBob, the expats assistant, tells you everything you need to know to live in Portugal in 2020.

What to do and visit in Lisbon between lovers : Top 5 most romantic tours and activities in Lisbon and surroundings

What to do and visit in Lisbon between lovers : Top 5 most romantic tours and activities in Lisbon and surroundings

Lisbon is often one of the most romantic destinations in Europe and couples and lovers do not hesitate to visit the capital of Portugal. And for good reason, with its colorful buildings, its steep streets, its intimate restaurants and its spectacular views, impossible not to fall in love with the Portuguese capital. Often cited as one of the most romantic cities in Europe, Lisbon attracts many couples who want to spend a weekend or more in the white city. As the time spent with two is precious, it is important not to lose it in queues for visits or activities that are not necessarily made for romantic souls. Fado concert, tasting, sunset cruise, sumptuous palace visits, many visits and romantic activities to do with friends in the Portuguese capital. What are the most romantic tours of Lisbon ? What to do between lovers when visiting the Portuguese capital? Lisbob, your assistant in Portugal, offers tours and romantic activities Lisbon and surroundings, amid course fado.

Novo Banco loses 1.4 billion euros again and all taxpayers in Portugal will have to pay : 140 € per person

Novo Banco loses 1.4 billion euros again and all taxpayers in Portugal will have to pay : 140 € per person

Novo Banco is the "new bank", named after the bankruptcy of the BES, Banco Espirito Santo a few years ago and continues to plague the accounts of Portugal and Portuguese. Indeed BES no longer exists since 2014 but its "new bank" comes losses of 1.4 billion euros and calls for resolution fund under the equity mechanism. More than half of this amount results from losses recorded in problematic assets inherited from the BES, and more than 350 million euros are due to regulatory requirements. But when Novo Banco loses money, all Portuguese taxpayers have to pay. Indeed the Resolution Fund is a fund powered by public money. In total, each Portuguese taxpayer will contribute € 140 to save the Novo Banco again. How will Portugal's finances be impacted? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this new loss of Novo Banco.

Rare night of violence in Portugal : burnt cars, rubbed bullets and policemen attacked with molotov cocktails

Rare night of violence in Portugal : burnt cars, rubbed bullets and policemen attacked with molotov cocktails

Damaged cars, burned garbage cans and a team of PSP attacked with Molotov cocktails that replicate with rubber bullets : it is the night just passed Portugal, reputed yet quiet. The Portuguese police do not link these disorders to the events that took place last week in Seixal and created controversy. Nor does it relate to the unrest that took place at Avenida da Liberdade in central Lisbon on Monday. While the movement of the Yellow Vests does not really take in Portugal, the suburbs seem to wake up after the muscled arrest of a woman in Seixal, Bairro da Jamaica. Without talking about riots, the police molotov attacks are quite rare in a country that is known to be rather peaceful and calm. Lisbob, expats assistant in Portugal, tells you more about the troubles that are currently taking place in some Portuguese cities.

New Airport Lisbon - Montijo confirmed : opening in 2022

New Airport Lisbon - Montijo confirmed : opening in 2022

Portugal has signed today the confirmation of the construction of the Lisbon - Montijo airport and its opening is scheduled for 2022. The company ANA, which manages the Portuguese airports, has signed an agreement for an amount of 1 , 15 billion euros until 2028. The agreement signed this Tuesday on the extension of the airport capacity of Lisbon, divides the opinion and took time to decide. What will the new airport of Lisbon - Montijo look like ? When will he open ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about the confirmation of the new Lisbon - Montijo airport with an opening scheduled for 2022.

New emergency identification card for expats and tourists in Portugal

New emergency identification card for expats and tourists in Portugal

In order to improve communication with authorities and emergency medical services, Safe Communities Portugal has developed an emergency identification card for tourists and foreign residents in Portugal, but it can also be used by every Portuguese citizen. While awaiting the Cartão de Cidadão for expats, this emergency identification card does not replace an official identification document, but it is nevertheless a document that contains useful information for the emergency rescue teams, such as the medications the person is taking, the allergies they have or the important diseases. In addition, information on the authorities of the citizens' countries of origin as well as emergency contact appear on this free and useful map. What is the new emergency identification card for expatriates and tourists in Portugal ? How to get it? LisBob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal tells you everything about this new map dedicated to expats or tourists.

Weather: Six districts on orange alert in Portugal, snow in the mountains

Weather: Six districts on orange alert in Portugal, snow in the mountains

Weather conditions have worsened in Portugal and the authorities have decided to move some districts on orange alert. Indeed the districts of Guarda, Setúbal, Santarém, Lisbon, Castelo Branco and Portalegre will today be on orange alert and this in the morning, due to sometimes strong and persistent rain, according to IPMA (Portuguese Institute of the Sea and of the atmosphere). The districts of Guarda, Setúbal, Santarém, Lisbon, Castelo Branco and Portalegre will today be under the orange alert in the morning, due to periods of heavy and persistent rains, according to the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Sea. 'atmosphere. The orange alert level, the second most serious, will take effect in the districts of Setúbal, Santarém, Lisbon and Portalegre between 09:00 and 18:00 and in Guarda and Castelo Branco between 12:00 and 21:00. Bob, the expatriate's assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this wet and cool weather.

New regulations on rentals in Portugal : a minimum duration of one year and tenants better protected

New regulations on rentals in Portugal : a minimum duration of one year and tenants better protected

If you live in Portugal and especially in Lisbon, then you know that it is becoming more and more difficult to find accommodation. However, Portugal seems to have taken the measure and helps tenants by protecting the duration of the contracts and the end of them. The Portuguese Parliament approved a measure proposed by the Socialist Party (PS), which provides for a minimum duration of one year for housing rental. Even contracts signed for a shorter period now have a minimum contract of one year. Portugal has been on the offensive for some time to protect the long-term rental of residents of Portuguese cities, such as Lisbon and Porto. The recent slowdown at Alojamento Local is not the only measure implemented to protect the inhabitants. This new law establishes a minimum duration of 12 months for any rental contract. What does this new measure imply ? What does this new regulation say about long-term leasing ? Lisbob, the expatriate's assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this new law on leasing.

Guide to move to Portugal : preparation, steps and precautions for a perfect move

Guide to move to Portugal : preparation, steps and precautions for a perfect move

If you have made the decision to live in Portugal, your expatriation will necessarily go through a move. Leaving your country and moving to Portugal can become a brain teaser if you are unprepared and if you do not know which trusted carrier to turn to. The organisation of a move from United-Kingdom or another country to Portugal must be done with preparation and certain precautions must be taken. Indeed, moving to another country is not easy if you are not prepared. How to prepare for your move ? What are the precautions to take to move from your country to Portugal ? How to move to Portugal ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about moving serenely to Portugal.

Top 5 best places to visit in Belém, Lisbon and walking itinerary

Top 5 best places to visit in Belém, Lisbon and walking itinerary

The district of Belém is one of the most emblematic of Lisbon and is one of the essential places to visit when one comes to stay in the Portuguese capital. This district was the place from where we greeted the great Portuguese explorers exploring the world. It has become today a place full of cultural places with many monuments and museums to visit. What to visit in Belém during your stay in Lisbon ? What are the best places to discover in this unique historical district, facing the sea ? Where to go in Belém ? In this article, Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, introduces you to the top 5 best places of Belém that you must visit during your Lisbon stopover. As a bonus, we have prepared the itinerary : follow the guide!