
finances portugal

How to obtain proof of address and certificate of fiscal residence in Portugal on finanças website in 9 steps

How to obtain proof of address and certificate of fiscal residence in Portugal on finanças website in 9 steps

When living in Portugal, it is common for us to be asked for proof of tax domicile or proof of address from the Portuguese tax authorities. This administrative approach has become over the years a mere formality thanks to new technologies. Indeed, it is now possible for any taxpayer, even a foreign expatriate, to request and receive a proof of tax residence that serves as proof of address in Portugal. This free document, which is obtained online, certifies your home in Portugal and can be requested on several occasions during your life of expatriate: to contract services or recurring services, to open a bank account, to make a loan or credit or to enroll his children in a Portuguese school. The majority of people use water or electricity bills as proof of address or proof of address, but the personal information on these documents means that some people simply prefer to provide proof of tax domicile. How to get a proof of Portuguese tax domicile ? How to request and receive proof of tax address in Portugal ? Lisbob, expats assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about how to have proof of residence in Portugal directly on the website of financas, in 9 steps.

Portuguese tax authorities realize of an error in 10,000 tax returns in 2015 and require a payment of 3.5 million euros.

Portuguese tax authorities realize of an error in 10,000 tax returns in 2015 and require a payment of 3.5 million euros.

With almost 5 years of delay, the Portuguese tax and customs authorities (TA) identified an error in the processing of tax returns for 2015, which led to a recalculation of income tax of around 10,000 returns for one 3.5 million euros. The persons concerned are the taxpayers who started a commercial or professional activity in 2014, who were taxed in 2015 according to the simplified scheme and who, in 2015, also earned income category B, according to the information published in the portal. Finanças. This is bad news just before the holiday season for about 10,000 taxpayers who will have to repay an average amount of 350 euros. What is the reason for this error from the Portuguese tax authorities ? Are you affected by this refund request ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about this (new) error of the Portuguese tax authorities and the consequences for the taxpayers concerned.