
Increase of the minimum wage in Portugal : the Portuguese Employers’ Union promises a "surprise" and an amount greater than 600 euros in 2019

In Portugal good surprises sometimes come from the bosses. The minimum wage is € 580 gross in 2018 in Portugal and this amount has seen several increases in recent years. At each discussion of the Portuguese State Budget, the workers 'and employers' unions negotiate and defend their interests and defend their work. But this year the CIP, the equivalent of the Employers’ Union in Portugal, could create a surprise by proposing an increase in the minimum wage beyond the expectations of all unions. Indeed, the boss of the CIP said that we should expect a surprise concerning the increase of the Portuguese minimum wage. What are these statements of the Portuguese Employers’ Union ? What is the proposed amount ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about raising the minimum wage in Portugal.




The boss of the Portuguese Employers’ Union announces a surprise on the minimum wage


According to António Saraiva, president of the CIP, the employers' confederations could surprise the discussion on the minimum wage for next year. According to his statements "We did not want to determine and stop immediately on a value, but we admit that our proposal could raise the Portuguese minimum wage above the 600 euros that are the goal of the government." He said in an interview with the Jornal de Negócios and Antena 1 that the bosses will be able to surprise and make sure that the national minimum wage increases next year to a value higher than 600 euros.


"I admit that there may be a surprise and not be limited to a value of 600 euros", said António Saraiva in the interview, ensuring that the confederation bosses "surprise the Portuguese society in the upcoming discussions on the minimum wage".



A salary already proposed above the minimum amount, according to the employers' unions


"Most of the companies we represent already pay well over 600 euros. If we continue on this momentum of economic improvement then it is possible that this figure is likely to be improved ", said António Saraiva, for which there is a perception that the employers are against the increase of the minimum wage" This is wrong, "he said.


The CIP President also spoke of the need to index wages to productivity and economic growth. "With this indexation, wages can and should increase, and the minimum wage is low - we all recognize that it needs to be improved - we all want it, and therefore the employers' unions will surprise Portuguese society in future discussions "on the minimum wage.

However, António Saraiva did not want to compromise with a precise value, even if the confederations "still do their homework". The decision will take place "only in the last quarter of the year, during which this discussion will take place".


The minimum wage is currently 580 euros, and the Portuguese government has set a target of 600 euros in 2019. The main workers union for its part requires the amount to 650 euros.


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