Interactive map of real estate prices in Portugal, district by district — Lisbob

Interactive map of real estate prices in Portugal, district by district

Real estate prices in Portugal continued to rise in Portugal late last year. This is shown by data compiled by the Portuguese National Institute of Statistics (INE), which analyzed real estate transactions. Across the country, prices rose 8.5% in the last quarter of 2019, but the differences between cities are significant. The INE provides an interactive map that allows you to find out the price of real estate in each district and these in several cities in Portugal. The coronavirus is likely to stagnate or see prices fall, and this study corresponds to the pre-pandemic. What is the price of real estate in Portugal? What are the cheapest areas to buy a house? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, gives you this interactive map of property prices in major Portuguese cities.

Interactive map of real estate prices in Portugal, district by district

Interactive map of real estate prices in Portugal, district by district

Home prices continue to rise in Portugal, although a certain slowdown is starting to be felt. Last year, the increase was 8.5% at the national level, but on closer analysis, we can see that the increase was much more pronounced in certain sectors.

Lisbon remains the most expensive place to buy a house, but price developments have been below the national average for the first time since 2016. And in Porto, the price increase has been almost double that of Lisbon.


According to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), published on Wednesday, while prices in Lisbon increased by 7.9%, in Porto they increased by 14%. But there were also 43 other municipalities whose prices exceeded 1,081 euros per square meter of the national average.

These and other data can be viewed via the INE interactive map, which allows you to obtain both the value of the square meter of housing by parish, by block, and even at what value the houses were sold during in the last year - comparing them with the parish average - but only for cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants: Amadora, Braga, Coimbra, Funchal, Lisbon, Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia.

Here is the interactive map of real estate prices in Portugal:

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