After 45 days of confinement Portugal will gradually come back to life. Indeed, the Portuguese government announced the end of the state of emergency to enter that of calamity. This Monday, the long awaited deconfinement can finally start and Portugal opens its economy again, little by little. This is the first phase of the Portuguese deconfinement plan, but it is not yet a return to normal as there will be restrictions and new rules to protect the population against the epidemic of coronavirus. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you what changes from Monday, May 4 in Portugal.
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Deconfinement: what changes from this Monday in Portugal
Starting this Monday, May 4 in Portugal, local businesses, hairdressers, manicures, beauty salons, bookstores and car stands can resume operations, according to the Portuguese government's deconfinement plan released last week.
Indeed, from this Monday, small local shops, which include shops with an open door to the street and with an area of up to 200 square meters, can resume their activities. This concerns the whole of Portuguese territory since there is no territorial distinction.
The Portuguese government has decided to impose conditions for the opening of shops and restaurants, with the aim of mitigating the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. In stores, the use of a protective mask is compulsory.
This obligation will start operating from this Monday at 10:00 am "for stores that will reopen", indicates the deconfinement plan.
In the hairdressing and related sector, the service must be provided "by appointment and specific conditions". In closed spaces, the maximum capacity is five people per 100 square meters.
This Monday, the offices of several public services are opening new ones: the Finanças counters, notarial conservatories, social security, among other public services, will now only welcome by appointment and the use of a mask will be compulsory.
The presence of family members at the funeral is also now possible.
Regarding public transport, the use of masks or visors is also now compulsory, as well as for access or permanence in commercial and service spaces and establishments, services intended for the public and for educational and training establishments. childcare for children over six. Passengers on public transport who do not respect the compulsory use of masks or visors incur a fine of between 120 and 350 euros.
For athletes, the practice of individual and outdoor sports (tennis, golf etc.), with the exception of municipal swimming pools and public baths / seaside resorts, will be authorized. However, the required hygiene and social distancing measures must be followed.
Portuguese bookstores will also be able to reopen.
After 45 days of state of emergency Portugal is now in a state of calamity. Some things are possible again, but not all. Here are some answers to your questions.
Is it possible to go to the beach?
From Monday 4th May it is possible to enter the Atlantic Ocean, but only for water sports such as surfing. The civic duty of retention is maintained and, therefore, the departure must be well thought out.
Is it possible to move freely within Portugal?
Traffic between municipalities is no longer prohibited, but travel must be justified. For example, to assist family members, the elderly or dependents, or to ensure shared parental responsibilities.
Is there still an obligation to present an employer declaration for commuting?
Is it possible to go to a tax office?
Yes, but only by appointment and with a mask.
Globally, the Covid-19 pandemic has already killed more than 243,000 people and infected more than 3.4 million people in 195 countries and territories, according to the latest AFP report.
Portugal had this Sunday 1,043 deaths associated with the new coronavirus pandemic for 25,282 confirmed cases of infection, according to the daily bulletin of the Portuguese Directorate General of Health (DGS).