Am I entitled to unemployment benefits in Portugal? — Lisbob

Am I entitled to unemployment benefits in Portugal?

Portugal is one of the best places to live and work. However, it may happen that your professional relationship with your employer or your clients ends. If you lose your job or cease your self-employment activity, you must meet several conditions to qualify for unemployment benefits in Portugal. Until now it was complicated for a non-Lusophone to know his rights to unemployment benefits in Portugal. Thanks to Bob, the Expats Personal Assistant in Lisbon and Portugal this period is over. What are the conditions to benefit from subsidio de desemprego? Am I entitled to unemployment benefits in Portugal? Lisbob helps you live better and work in Portugal and tells you everything.



What are the conditions for receiving unemployment benefits in Portugal?

The subsidio de desemprego is the equivalent of unemployment benefits in all Europe. This is a monthly payment to unemployed beneficiaries to compensate for the lack of pay due to involuntary loss of activity.

Conditions of allocation of unemployment benefit:

- Live in Portugal (Reside on the national territory)
- Being involuntarily unemployed
- Have the ability and willingness to work
- Be registered as a jobseeker at the IEFP center in your area of esidence
- Have the required warranty period: 360 working days in Portugal in the last 24 months preceding the end date of your employment

Different cases:
- Intermittent entertainment and audiovisual, the required guarantee period is 450 days of paid work over the 36 months preceding the date of unemployment

 - Agricultural workers and domestic workers, the period taken into account for the calculation of the unemployment allowance is 120 days.
Do I have the right to unemployment benefits in Portugal?

Bob enjoys helping expats in Lisbon and Portugal. So he has created for you a free tool allowing you to know if you have the right to unemployment in Portugal. Just answer the questions and Bob will answer you about your situation.

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Lisbobis Expats Personal Assistant in Lisbon and Portugal.