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Personnal Assistant

Contribuinte: How Giving Your NIF Can Save You Money (and More)

Contribuinte: How Giving Your NIF Can Save You Money (and More)

If you’ve lived in Portugal for any length of time, you’ve likely been asked, “Contribuinte on the bill?” For newcomers, this seemingly simple question can be puzzling. What is a NIF (Número de Identificação Fiscal)? Is it mandatory to give it? What are the benefits of sharing it, and could it actually make you money? Let’s dive into the fascinating world of Portugal’s Contribuinte system and explore why giving your NIF when shopping is not only a smart choice but also potentially rewarding. I’m Lisbob, the expat’s assistant, and I will tell you how to make money by giving your NIF.

Freelancer : How to fill and issue a Recibo Verde in Portugal, step by step

Freelancer : How to fill and issue a Recibo Verde in Portugal, step by step

If you make the decision to live and work in Portugal as a freelancer, then you will have to fill out and issue Recibo Verde. This is the invoice that formalizes your service and the transfer of money between buyer and seller of goods or services. This allows Finanças to be aware of all activities and for you to know exactly what you sold. As a self-employed worker in Portugal it is possible to do it online but it is however very important to inform all the information in order to avoid huge fines. How to fill and a recibo verde ? What are the steps in order to issue an invoice in Portugal ? Lisbob, the Expats Assistant in Lisbon and Portugal, tells you everything about how to fill and issue a Recibo Verde in Portugal, step by step.

How to calculate the net salary from gross in Portugal?

How to calculate the net salary from gross in Portugal?

When it's time to make the decision to come to live and work in Portugal, topics such as real wages and purchasing power come back regularly. Calculating net take-home pay in Portugal is a different exercise than in other countries and it is important to know it in advance in order to live serenely. If you are planning to come to work in Portugal then this article is for you. What is the average salary in Lisbon and other cities? How to calculate the net salary from gross in Portugal? Bob, the Expats Personal Assistant in Lisbon and Portugal tells you everything.

Am I entitled to unemployment benefits in Portugal?

Am I entitled to unemployment benefits in Portugal?

Portugal is one of the best places to live and work. However, it may happen that your professional relationship with your employer or your clients ends. If you lose your job or cease your self-employment activity, you must meet several conditions to qualify for unemployment benefits in Portugal. Until now it was complicated for a non-Lusophone to know his rights to unemployment benefits in Portugal. Thanks to Bob, the Expats Personal Assistant in Lisbon and Portugal this period is over. What are the conditions to benefit from subsidio de desemprego? Am I entitled to unemployment benefits in Portugal? Bob helps you live better and work in Portugal and tells you everything.