When one decides to go live in Spain, it is sometimes difficult to carry out these administrative steps which can turn into a vicious circle and where it is difficult to see the end of the tunnel. Getting a Spanish social security number is not easy and is part, like the NIE, of these mandatory steps for any expatriate who wants to work in Spain. Although the rules have eased in recent years, the fact remains that the application and obtaining a Spanish social security number is still a complicated process. Getting a Spanish social security number for foreigners is not only a headache for people who want to work, but also for companies that want to hire them. However, a good preparation allows to request and obtain a Spanish social security number in no more than 30 minutes. What are the steps to get a Spanish social security number when you are a foreigner? What is the process for having his security number in Spain as an expatriate? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Spain, tells you everything about the conditions for obtaining the Portuguese social security number for foreigners.
How to apply for and obtain a Spanish social security number as a foreigner ?
1. Prepare documents
In order to apply for and obtain a Spanish social security number (social security), you must prepare a number of documents. Lisbob strongly advises you to prepare the forms well in advance in order to save time.
Here is the list of documents needed to obtain the social security number in Spain:
Passport (Original + photocopy)
NIE (Original + photocopy)
Employment contract or any other document that justifies your request
Modelo Form TA1 completed and signed: this document will be given to you upon your arrival and details the reasons for your request (employment, study, internship) as well as your personal information. You can download the document by clicking here.
2. Go to the Tesoreria General de la Seguridad Social
Once all documents and forms together, all you have to do is go to a TGSS office - Tesoreria General de la Seguridad Social. This authority is the Spanish body in charge of obtaining social security number for foreigners. These public services are open from 9h to 14h, so it is advisable to go early to be received and see his request processed quickly. Also note that it is recommended to have a Spanish mobile phone number before applying for a social security number in Spain: this is one of the prerequisites for the application to be validated by the authorities.
There are 24 offices in Madrid, which you can consult here.
In Barcelona there are 25 offices listed here.
For the whole of Spain, the list of offices where it is possible to apply for a social security number is here.
Be careful when you decide to request a social security in Spain : a good preparation is the key to a successful project
3. Fill Modelo TA1 Form
If you have not already done so, or if you need the assistance of an agent to fill out the Modelo TA1 form, fill in the document that asks you to confirm your personal data and the reason for your request for a number. Spanish social security. Care must be taken to indicate the correct reason, whether for an internship or for a new job.
4. Request the Tarjeta Sanitaria
Once your Spanish social security number has been obtained, the last step to gain access to public healthcare in Spain is to go and get your public health card, called Tarjeta Sanitaria. This card allows you to identify yourself to public and private health facilities and to benefit from Spanish social security coverage. You just have to go to a Centro Salud with your Empadronamiento and your Spanish social security number.
Here is the Tarjeta Sanitaria
That's it, you asked for and got your Spanish social security number very quickly thanks to a good preparation. You can now officially work in Spain and also benefit from Spanish social security.