Certificado Digital : how to get Digital certificate in Spain — Lisbob

Certificado Digital : how to get Digital certificate in Spain

Spain is a country that has been able to modernize and digitalize a good part of its public services. Indeed, it is now possible to access a set of services online, without having to move. Taxes, social security, prefecture: thanks to the Certificado Digital (digital certificate) you will save a lot of time so you can focus on the essentials - here’s a list of the most important steps when moving to Spain. Even though the process to get your Digital Certificate is not simple, it is a one-time process that is very useful. How to get your Certificado Digital in Spain? What is it for? Here, I will tell you all about the digital certificate for Spanish public services.

What is the digital certificate


The Spanish certificado digital is a secure digital identification system that allows authentication on all public service platforms. In simple terms, it is a small computer program that is stored on your computer.


With this digital certificate, it is possible to identify yourself on sites such as:


·      Tax (Hacienda);

·      Social Security (Seguridad Social);

·      Police - Vehicles and Drivers (Direcion General del Trafico)

·      Unemployment (INEM);

·      Civil Registry (Registro civil)..


This digital certificate will allow these different sites to recognize you when you connect. You will be able to carry out online procedures, such as the tax return (renta) or recurring online declarations, for example if you are self-employed (autonomo).


In short, the Spanish certificado digital will save you time and money on travel.

How to get it


According to the FNMT official website (Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre), the process of obtaining the digital certificate (as a downloadable file) is divided into four steps.


  • Prerequisite configuration: In order to apply for the Spanish digital certificate, you need to install the appropriate software for your operating system, listed on the website.

  • Online application for the certificate: The second step is to complete the application form. You must go to the FNMT website http://www.fnmt.esand:

    • Click on ‘Sede electrónica’ in the upper left corner;

    • Click on the blue icon ‘Obtenga/Renueve su certificado digital’ at the bottom left;

    • Click on ‘Persona física’ and then on ‘Obtener Certificado software’;

    • Select ‘Solicitar certificado’ in the side menu;

    • Fill in the personal information requested: NIE number, last name and email address;

    • Accept the terms & conditions and click on ‘Send request’.


You will then receive an email with a request code that you will need to validate the request. An online form is to be filled out, which will ask you for your EIN, your last name and your email address. Once the form is submitted, an application code will be sent to the email address provided.

  • Identity Accreditation: Once you have sent the form and received the application code, you must go to one of the identity accreditation offices. Yes, the application for a digital certificate in Spain is done in person. The Spanish authorities have established a list of recognized offices, available at this address http://mapaoficinascert.appspot.com. Please note: At the AEAT, Social Security and other offices, a prior appointment is sometimes required, check with the office itself.

  • Download the digital certificate: Approximately 1 hour after proving your identity at an accreditation office and using the application code, you can download and install your certificate on your computer. To do this, you need to:

    • Go to the FNMT website and click on ‘Descargar certificado’ in the side menu (Main page - Obtenga/Renueve su certificado digital - Persona física - Obtener Certificado software - Descargar certificado);

    • Complete the form by filling in the NIE, name and application code;

    • Accept the terms & conditions and click on ‘Descargar Certificado’;

    • Export the certificate and keep a backup copy. It is strongly recommended to make a backup copy on a USB key.


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