67.9% of Spaniards consider that the management of the coronavirus crisis by the government of Pedro Sánchez has been a "disaster", according to a survey by the National Institute for Analytical Studies (INEA). The citizens questioned give a score of 3 out of 10 to Pedro Sanchez and 2.3 to Pablo Iglesias. A large majority, 64%, believe that the health authorities have not told the truth, and 69% want the current government to pay criminally for their mistakes and lies. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Spain, tells you all about this new investigation which worries the Spanish government.
70% of Spaniards consider government management of coronavirus a disaster and wish to see it “pay criminally”
The sample for this study on the state of emergency is very wide since 351,688 online surveys were carried out throughout Spain. These took place between April 1 and April 10, when essential activities were also paralyzed by the state of emergency declared by the Spanish government.
According to this survey, only 22% consider that the management of the executive has been very effective and 10.2% are neutral in this regard. More than half of the Spaniards consider the management of the coronavirus by Sánchez and Iglesias bad or very bad.
The greatest rejection of this management occurred in Ceuta (78.4%) and Melilla (75.5), but it is also greater than 70% in the Balearic Islands, Cantabria, Castilla y León, Castilla La Mancha and Murcia. In Andalusia, Aragon, Extremadura, Madrid and Valencia the rate is around 70%. In the case of Catalonia, the negative opinion is 63.3%, while in Galicia, the Basque Country and the Canary Islands, the rejection of the executive is less than 60%.
The wrong assessment is the majority in all age groups, especially among those over 65 with 71.1% negative opinions and 70.7% between 46 and 55 years. The youngest, aged 18 to 25, reject the management of the Spanish government at 58%.
As for the leadership of Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, 75.3% consider it "bad or very bad". But citizens appreciate Pablo Iglesias even less, who receives a score of 2.3 for his management of the coronavirus crisis. 80.9% of respondents consider it "bad or very bad".
Criminal responsibilities
As for who, according to survey respondents, took the initiative in executive decisions, 38% think it is Pedro Sánchez, while 33% think it is of Iglesias.
But these percentages vary considerably with age, increasing the percentage who consider that it is Pablo Iglesias who takes the initiative in government.
Regarding the management of pre-crisis acts by the Spanish government, such as 8-M events, concerts, Mascleta de Valencia, Vox congress in Vistalegre and sporting events, 79.6% consider it irresponsible maintain them despite WHO advice, and 69% think that the government will have to assume political and / or criminal responsibilities.
In addition, 68% feel that they do not know how to take effective measures and 72.9% believe that the Spanish health system does not have sufficient means.
Pedro Sanchez doesn’t have good ratings
The lowest-rated regional president is Catalan Joaquim Torra, to whom citizens give only 1. His rating in Catalonia is 2.6, while in Madrid it is 0.9 and in Andalusia, 0.8. The president of the community of Madrid collects a 4.6 (in a range which goes from 5.3 in Madrid to 3.5 in Catalonia).
The mayor of Barcelona also does not have a good mark, a 2.3, compared to the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez Almeida, who is the only politician who approves in this survey with a 5.2 (ranging from 6 , 1 in Madrid to 4.1, in Catalonia).
As for the opposition leaders, the most valued but also with suspense, it is the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, with a 3.7; while Arrimadas collects 3.6 and Pablo Casado collects 3.5.