
Because sometimes it is important to speak the same language on essential topics, Lisbob has selected for you the best English-speaking wellness specialists in Lisbon and Portugal.

Yoga, massage, coaching : you can trust them.


Virginie JOSIO Osteopata

Virginie Josio : virginiejosioosteopata@gmail.com

“Osteopathy consultations by appointment at home between Cascais and Lisbon. Osteopathy is to prevent, diagnose and manually treat dysfunctions in the mobility of tissues and joints in the human body that may affect their health, cause pain and / or blockages. ”

Facebook page

Phone: +351 920 218 344 or +33660625216

Keywords: osteopath, osteopath, alternative medicine, therapist

Cecile de La Ruelle

Cécile de La Ruelle : cecile@desracinesdesailes.com

"Therapy, Coaching, Energy Rebalancing, Humanistic Hypnosis (Adults & Children) Feeling stressed, tired ? You want to change something in your life but it seems so difficult and you do not know where to start ... want to solve a problem of the present or the past, better live with your emotions, improve your relationships, develop your adaptation skills, learning, your talents and your creativity ... I accompany you at your own pace and tailor-made, to help you make the changes you want in your life now. "


Facebook Page

Phone number : +351960061392

Keywords : therapist, coaching, energy balance, wellness


Address: Rua das Portas San Antao 27 Level 1 Lisboa

Email: ztaylorministry@gmail.com

Phone: +351 937 237 228

FaceBook: MinistryOfYoga

“ We will welcome you into our friendly, local and international community of Lisbon with 18 diverse classes each week over summer.   MoY is a space to switch off the external noise and delve deeper into your self, unencumbered by burden or expectations.  Whether you are brand new to yoga or have practiced for many years, the teachers provide a safe environment for you to explore the shapes and methods of yogic practices.  Not only do we offer both dynamic and restorative sessions, we also value bringing yoga into a way of life through the study of yoga sutras (philosophy).”


You are an English-speaking wellness specialist in Portugal ? You can be on this page too.


Lisbob has created this list of English-speaking wellness specialist to simplify your life as an expatriate. Yoga, massage, reiki : these English-speaking partners help you with all the steps related to these topics.


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