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Because sometimes it is important to speak the same language on essential topics, Lisbob has selected for you the best English-speaking architect and deco specialist in Lisbon and Portugal.

Works, architecture, deco : you can trust them.


Crystine Bonneau Studio - Architecture Intérieure / Design

Christine Bonneau : crys@mac.com

“Parce que notre environnement influence directement notre bien être, l’agence vous accompagne en maitrise d’oeuvre globale pour transformer vos lieux de vie. Avec une experience de plus de 15 années dans les secteurs hôteliers et résidentiels, nos équipes de professionnels vous proposent un accompagnement personnalisé de la conception à l’exécution. Residentiel - Bureaux - Retail - Hotels - Restaurants - CasinoRenovation et construction. Clé en main. Prix sur devis.”


Website - Facebook Page

Phone number : +351.963.573.359

Keywords : Architecture - Interior Design - Decoration - Renovation - Construction

Maison Verdier

Maison Verdier

Maison Verdier

Sylvie & Jérôme Verdier : info@maison-verdier.pt

"We realize your work of second-work and finishes: painting, wallpaper, concrete waxed, decorative products, floor and wall coverings, etc ... 25 years of experience with passion and know-how to guarantee you a work of quality"


Facebook Page

Phone number : +351 927 779 158

Keywords: Works, Finishes, Second-work, painting, floors

You are an English-speaking architect or decoration specialist in Portugal ? You can be on this page too.


Lisbob has created this list of English-speaking architect and decoration specialists to simplify your life as an expatriate. Deco, works, architecture : these English-speaking partners help you with all the steps related to these topics.
