Thermometers will reach 37ºC in Portugal and "tropical nights" are planned — Lisbob

Thermometers will reach 37ºC in Portugal and "tropical nights" are planned

The good weather has already arrived in Portugal and the temperatures are also rising. The Portuguese Institute for the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) has just released its forecast bulletin: temperatures will reach in places up to 37ºC in broad daylight, and the nights will also be hot with values ​​above 20ºC. The IPMA announces that these nights will be "tropical" and recalls the measures to be taken in the event of high heat. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this heat wave and its tropical nights.

Thermometers will reach 37ºC in Portugal and "tropical nights" are planned

Thermometers will reach 37ºC in Portugal and "tropical nights" are planned

The Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) forecasts an increase in maximum temperatures until Tuesday. Thermometers can even reach 37 degrees in some regions of the country.

Continental Portugal will continue "with a temperature higher than normal for the month of May, with maximum temperature values ​​varying between 30ºC and 35ºC in the interior regions, and between 22ºC and 30ºC in the rest of the territory", says the note of the IPMA.

The rise in temperatures will be most pronounced from Sunday, when temperatures above 30 degrees are forecast for most districts, in Alentejo it can even reach 37 °C.

Regarding the minimum temperature "it will have values ​​between 15ºC and 18ºC, but from the weekend the continental territory will be" under the influence of a current from the east ".

"The minimum temperature will rise slightly, and it is expected that from Saturday May 23rd, some places on the continent will record values ​​equal to or higher than 20°C called tropical nights", concludes the note.

Although the country is now in the second phase of deconfinement, the General Directorate of Portuguese Health continues to recommend various preventive measures such as social distance and the obligation to confine oneself in the case of contamination.

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