Risk of poverty decreased but 17% of Portuguese lives with less than 501 net euros per month — Lisbob

Risk of poverty decreased but 17% of Portuguese lives with less than 501 net euros per month

As each end of the year, the different Portuguese statistical institutes unveil their final analyzes of the previous year. INE, the Portuguese National Statistics Institute, has released its report on the Living and Income Survey in Portugal for the year 2018. The risk of poverty has decreased by a tenth last year, affecting 17.2% of the population. Despite the decline, the most little in four years, about 2.2 million people are at risk of poverty or social exclusion in Portugal. Also, the study reveals that nearly one in five Portuguese earns less than 501 euros. What are the figures of the INE survey on the Portuguese population? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the figures of poverty in the Portuguese population.

Risk of poverty decreased but 17% of Portuguese lives with less than 501 net euros per month

Risk of poverty decreased but 17% of Portuguese lives with less than 501 net euros per month

17.2% of the portuguese population threatened of poverty


According to the Survey of Living and Income Conditions for the year 2018, 17.2% of people were at risk of poverty in 2018 in Portugal, a decrease of 0.1% compared to 2017 and 3.2 % compared to 2003.


The INE explains that the risk of poverty rate in 2018 corresponds to "the proportion of inhabitants whose annual net monetary income per adult is less than 6,014 euros". In other words, people with a net income less than 501 euros per month, plus 34 euros compared to 2017, are at risk of poverty.


Single-parental families are the most affected

By region and as in the previous year, the Lisbon metropolitan area is the only one to have a risk of poverty rate lower than the national average (13.3% against 17.2%). It is in the archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira, especially in the first (more than a third), that the rate is the highest.


According to the study, about 2.2 million people are at risk of poverty or social exclusion in Portugal, ie 21.6% of the population. By taking into account only labor income, capital transfers and private transfers, 43.4% of the Portuguese population would be at risk, notes the INE.

Single-parental families are the most affected by poverty in Portugal

Single-parental families are the most affected by poverty in Portugal

While the risk of poverty has decreased among those under 18 (19% in 2017, compared to 18.5% in 2018) and among the elderly (17.7% to 17.3%), the rate among adults in working age is up 16.9%, up 0.2 percentage points from 2017.

"Despite the reduction in the risk of child poverty, the presence of children in a household was still associated in 2018 with an increased risk of poverty, especially for single-parent households with at least one dependent child (33). 9%) and those made up of two adults with three or more dependent children (30.2%), the INE reports.In terms of the risk of poverty by sex, it decreased by 0.1% in women (from 17.9% to 17.8%) and remained the same for men (16.6%).

According to the criteria of working conditions, the risk of poverty increased both in the employed wage-earning population (10.8% in 2018, one percentage point more than in the previous year) than among the unemployed (45.7%). 47.5%) and in the retired population (15.2% to 15.7%).

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