Sunday will be a "no pants day" in Lisbon's subway — Lisbob

Sunday will be a "no pants day" in Lisbon's subway

Be careful this Sunday if you take the subway in Lisbon. In fact, you may be surprised, pleasantly or not, by slightly undressed travelers. This January 12th is the "No Pants Subway Ride Lisboa", which will once again challenge all the brave passengers of the Lisbon metro. The goal ? Traveling without pants. Yes, only in underwear ! The initiative comes from New York and will once again be present in the Portuguese capital. She promises to generate smiles and some chills. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this day in underwear in the Lisbon metro.

Sunday will be a "no pants day" in Lisbon's subway

Sunday will be a "no pants day" in Lisbon's subway

An initiative coming from New York

It was in New York in 2002 that the American collective "Improv Everywhere" promoted the first "Voyage in underwear". Since then, and building on its success, several cities around the world have adopted the new fashion and each year 25 countries organize this "creative journey". In Lisbon, the 1st edition took place in 2008 and is repeated every year.


This year, the trip without pants is planned for this Sunday, January 12 and the meeting point will be the Largo Camões at 2:30 p.m. But beware, you should not appear without pants at the risk of being reprimanded by the local police. While it’s not illegal to go out in pants or underpants, it’s not really in Lisbon dies to see people lugging around without pants. The event Facebook page is available by clicking here.

Be careful if you take the metro in Lisbon this Sunday, you might be surprised

Be careful if you take the metro in Lisbon this Sunday, you might be surprised

The collective "No pants subway ride Lisboa 2020" indicates to those who wish to participate the procedure to follow. The idea is to enter the metro, as if nothing had happened. It is only once on the subway that participants are asked to take off their pants and show off their beautiful underwear, and above all to act as if it were normal. The goal is to act normally, as if it was just another metro ride where you just forgot the underside of the costume.

The organizers have even thought about the answers to give in case of curious questions. If they ask why you are without pants, the organization offers three excuses: "I found they don't suit me," "It was very hot," or "I have to leave them in the laundry room." No doubt this "event" will find its audience and will raise a few smiles.

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