Mandatory mask in Portugal for 3 months even outdoors — Lisbob

Mandatory mask in Portugal for 3 months even outdoors

Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa had said he was considering making it mandatory to wear the mask outdoors, although its usefulness and effectiveness outdoors remains to be proven. The Portuguese Parliament is expected to vote in favor of this measure this Friday 23rd October. While critics have focused on the StayAway Covid tracking app, wearing masks outdoors has met with broad political consensus. This obligation will be for a minimum period of 3 months. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about wearing the compulsory mask outdoors in Portugal.

Mandatory mask in Portugal for 3 months even outdoors - © Pexels

Mandatory mask in Portugal for 3 months even outdoors - © Pexels

Portugal joins the list of countries making it compulsory to wear a mask, even in the street. This Friday, October 22, the Portuguese Parliament is expected to vote in favor of the proposal to make it compulsory to wear a protective mask, even outdoors.

This measure meets with a broad political consensus, and the PSD has even added its personal touch by prohibiting the wearing of visors. However, there are some exceptions to this obligation to wear a mask. Children under the age of 10 are not obliged to wear it, as well as people with a medical certificate of multipurpose disability or a medical declaration, in the case of people with cognitive disorders, developmental disorders and mental disorders, or a medical declaration attesting that the person's clinical condition does not correspond to the use of masks.

Controls and fines will be carried out by the security forces and the municipal police, and failure to wear a mask outdoors will constitute an offense punishable by a fine of 100 to 500 euros.

"The provisions of this law are in force for a period of 90 days, from the day following that of its publication, without prejudice to its possible renewal", specifies the new version of the law, which previously spoke in 120 days.

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