Lisbon is the city that received the most ships in 2017 and the sixth most polluted in Europe — Lisbob

Lisbon is the city that received the most ships in 2017 and the sixth most polluted in Europe

According to a study by the European Federation of Transport and the Environment, Lisbon was the city with the largest number of cruise ships in 2017 and is the sixth most polluted port city in Europe. Mass tourism is affecting Lisbon and the expansion of its cruise ship capacity is reflected in pollution levels, including sulfur dioxide emissions. In total, Europe's 200 cruise ships pollute more than all European cars. What is the ranking of the most polluted cities in Europe? What does Lisbon intend to do to counter the trend? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything about this news that falls for Lisbon freshly elected "Green Capital of Europe".

Cruise ships pollute a lot and often land in the heart of cities

Cruise ships pollute a lot and often land in the heart of cities

According to the study on 2017 figures, Carnival Corporation, the world's largest luxury cruise operator, emitted about 10 times more sulfur oxide on European shores than the 260 million European cars. In the ranking of the most impacted countries, Spain, Italy and Greece, followed closely by France and Norway, and then by Portugal, are the most exposed countries to sulfur dioxide pollution. from cruise ships, while Barcelona, ​​Palma de Mallorca and Venice are the most affected cities. Then come Rome, Southampton, and Lisbon which comes in 6th position.

The major exposure of these port cities to sulfur dioxide pollution is due to the fact that they are tourist destinations, but also, according to the study, because they apply less stringent standards in terms of pollution. This allows cruise ships to burn the most polluting and polluting fuel throughout their journey and approaching the ports.

The Zero Environmental Association, a member of the European Federation of Transport and the Environment, says in a statement released today that sulfur oxide emissions from cruise ships form sulphate aerosols "that increase the risks of cardiorespiratory diseases "and contribute" to the acidification of the terrestrial and aquatic environment. "

Portugal is receiving more and more ships : more and more pollution

Portugal is receiving more and more ships : more and more pollution

Regarding 2017, Zero compared the Federation's data to the official sulfur oxide emissions inventory of the Portuguese Environmental Agency and concluded that "cruise ship emissions on the Portuguese coast were 86 times higher than the number of vehicles in circulation in Portugal (5,100 tonnes against 59 tonnes for vehicles, respectively), which represents more than 10% of the total national emissions of sulfur oxides (5,100 tonnes from 47,500 tonnes). tons).

With regard to nitrogen oxide emissions, cruise ships stopping in Lisbon have issued almost the equivalent of one-fifth of the city's 374,000 vehicles.

Zero Environmental Association says Europe should quickly implement a regulation to be implemented in all European ports and with plans to achieve zero emissions for ships. The Federation also recommends expanding the current emission control zones in the North and Baltic Seas and the Channel.

The Portuguese government did not react to this study.

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