Two new suspected cases of infection with the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in Portugal were validated today by the Directorate General for Health (DGS), after clinical and epidemiological evaluation. This is what the Portuguese Secretary of State for Health is announcing today. One is in Lisbon and the other in Porto and tests are pending to confirm or rule out the coronavirus infection. According to the DGS, it is "a patient returned from China who was referred to the Curry Cabral hospital, Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central" and a man "returned from China who is already at the Centro Hospitalar de São João ", in Porto. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this two new suspected cases of coronavirus in Portugal.
Coronavirus in Portugal : Two new suspected cases in Portugal
Patients will be hospitalized in these hospital units, a reference for these situations. "Biological samples will be taken for analysis by the National Institute of Health Dr Ricardo Jorge", explains the DGS, stressing that the press release will be updated as soon as the results of the tests are known.
Chinese authorities raised the balance of the pneumonia epidemic in mainland China to 908 dead and 40,000 others infected with the new coronovirus (2019-nCoV) detected in December in Wuhan, capital of Hubei province, on Monday.
Coronavirus has already killed more than 900 people in China
On Sunday, according to data released by the National Health Commission of China, 97 deaths were recorded in mainland China and 3,000 new cases of infection were detected.
The total number of deaths is 910, including the two recorded outside mainland China, one in the Philippines and one in Hong Kong.
The death toll exceeds that of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which between 2002 and 2003 killed 774 people worldwide, most in China, but the death rate remains lower.
Besides mainland China and the Chinese regions of Macau and Hong Kong, there are more than 350 confirmed cases of contagion in 25 countries. In Europe, the number reached 39 on Sunday, with two new infections detected in Spain in the United Kingdom.