The coronavirus epidemic is not sparing the Portuguese capital, and it is a major source of contamination which has just been discovered. Indeed, the Aykibom Hostel, located on Morais Soares street in Lisbon, has just been evacuated after 138 people were diagnosed as infected with coronavirus. The 170 occupants of the youth hostel were evacuated and the operation required the intervention of more than 100 police, translators and medical personnel. All the occupants of the hostel are refugees, who have been evacuated to the Lisbon Mosque for treatment. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about these coronavirus outbreaks in Lisbon.
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138 people infected with coronavirus in a youth hostel in Lisbon © TIAGO PETINGA LUSA
138 occupants of the Aykibom youth hostel, located in Rua Morais Soares, in Lisbon, which was evacuated this Sunday morning, were diagnosed with coronavirus, according to the Lisbon municipal civil protection adviser, Carlos Castro. During this morning, 170 people were evacuated from the Aykibom hostel, at number 173 of the Rua Morais Soares.
All, according to the mayor, are refugees. “These are refugees who are here in our country. Therefore, we do this for the protection for your health, but also for the protection of all the people who live here in Morais Soares, "he said.
The evacuation began this Sunday morning, at 7 a.m., and involved more than 100 agents, including the PSP, the municipal police, the INEM, the firefighters, the Aliens and Borders Service, the High Commissioner for Migration and the Portuguese Council for Refugees, said Lisbon Civil Protection Councilor Carlos Castro.
In addition, there were "translators who help the health teams establish communication with the refugees and explain what is going on," said the Portuguese civil protection adviser.
The operation was decided and prepared after the registration of a positive case of coronavirus, confirmed last week. All other suspected cases were taken to the building of the central mosque in Lisbon for testing for SARS-CoV-2. The disinfection operation of the youth hostel, which is slow, delicate and the responsibility of the Lisbon firefighters, started in the early afternoon and ended at the end of the day.
Asked about the whereabouts of refugees who test positive, Carlos Castro said he could provide further clarification later.