Blog Expats Spain - Lisbob Expats Assistant in Portugal, Spain and Italy

expats Spain

Spain declares state of emergency in Madrid

Spain declares state of emergency in Madrid

Pedro Sanchez decides to pass in force. Following the cancellation this Thursday of the confinement by the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid (because they affect the freedoms of citizens), the Spanish government did not leave the choice to the regional president and decided to declare the state of emergency in Madrid to impose containment, which aims to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you the entire declaration of the state of emergency in Madrid.

Madrid bans wearing FFP2 and FFP3 masks, deemed "selfish"

Madrid bans wearing FFP2 and FFP3 masks, deemed "selfish"

You have to be motivated to follow and understand all the decisions of the Spanish government. After being one of the first countries to make it compulsory to wear a mask outdoors, the Autonomous Region of Madrid has decided this time to ban the wearing of category FFP2 and FFP3 masks, deemed β€œselfish” by Fernando Simon because they are designed so that the wearer is not infected. The use of these masks will be reserved for professionals. These masks with filter valve will therefore no longer be valid in the street. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the new ban on wearing the FFP2 and FFP3 mask in Madrid.

Galicia bans smoking in the streets in order to fight the coronavirus, whole Spain about to follow

Galicia bans smoking in the streets in order to fight the coronavirus, whole Spain about to follow

This is a new law that will make smokers cringe. After obliging people to wear the mask in the streets and even with a safe distance, the Spanish autonomous region of Galicia wishes to ban smoking in the streets from this Thursday. Indeed, the coronavirus would be transmitted in cigarette smoke, and the Spanish region thus wishes to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about banning smoking on the streets of Galicia in order to fight the epidemic.

King of Spain announces that he is abandoning the country

King of Spain announces that he is abandoning the country

It's a huge surprise in Spain: King Emeritus Juan Carlos I has just announced that he has decided to leave the country. It is an abandonment of the homeland that looms for the King Emeritus, whose destination is not yet known. Juan Carlos I had been the subject of allegations of money laundering and corruption for several weeks, and prosecution was approaching, with the clear risk of ending up in prison. Thus, the emeritus king hopes to save β€œhis dignity”…. and his a**. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the abandonment of Spain by the King of Spain himself.

Spain's health minister admits coronavirus 'expert committee' never existed

Spain's health minister admits coronavirus 'expert committee' never existed

This is an announcement that may surprise or annoy some to say the least. Today, during the parliamentary committee on the management of the coronavirus epidemic, the Minister of Health Salvador Illa indicated that the committee of experts, on which the Spanish government officially rely to support its decisions, in particular about the β€œdesescalada” , never existed. The opposition demands accountability, accuses the government of lying and judges and judges the country's situation "chaotic". Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the Spanish Minister of Health's revelation about the fake coronavirus expert committee.

Andalusia imposes mandatory mask, even at the beach and at the pool

Andalusia imposes mandatory mask, even at the beach and at the pool

Andalusia joins the list of autonomous Spanish regions which have decided to make the wearing of masks compulsory, even on public roads and even if safety distances can be respected. The state of emergency being ended in Spain, each region can impose the rules it wishes. Andalusia has therefore decided to make it mandatory to wear a mask, even at the beach and at the swimming pool. This measure will be implemented from tomorrow Wednesday July 15th. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the obligation to wear a mask in Andalusia, even at the beach.

Check out the last map before the "new normal" valid from Monday June 15th in Spain

Check out the last map before the "new normal" valid from Monday June 15th in Spain

Spain begins the last stage of its β€œdesescalada”, its deconfinement divided into several phases. As of Monday, June 15th, some regions are moving into phase 3, and Galicia will even go directly into the new normal. Certain regions such as Madrid or Barcelona remain in phase 2 and will go directly into the new normal on June 21st. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the phase changes in Spanish deconfinement on Monday June 15th.

OFFICIAL - Spain to open borders on June 22nd

OFFICIAL - Spain to open borders on June 22nd

It's official: Spain will open its borders with Portugal and France on June 22nd. The announcement was made this morning by the Spanish Minister of Tourism. The Spanish authorities had closed the borders in mid-March, except for Spanish citizens, border workers and the transport of goods when the country isolated itself to limit the contagion of the coronavirus. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the reopening of the Spanish borders.

Spain ends forced quarantine for tourists from July

Spain ends forced quarantine for tourists from July

Spain has set up a compulsory quarantine for anyone coming from abroad, even for Spanish nationals. This measure caused reciprocity on the French side which also imposed a quarantine for people arriving from Spain. This quarantine raises questions about the tourist season because few tourists will agree to stay locked up 14 days before being able to enjoy their vacation. The Spanish government has just clarified things through the Minister of Industry: there will be no quarantine for tourists arriving in Spain from July. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Spain, tells you all about the announcements about the end of the forced quarantine.

Pedro Sanchez steps back and announces the end of the state of emergency in the coming days and a faster "desescalada"

Pedro Sanchez steps back and announces the end of the state of emergency in the coming days and a faster "desescalada"

The head of the Spanish government Pedro Sanchez is strongly criticized for his management of the coronavirus crisis and for the application of the state of emergency for more than 2 months. A β€œdesescalada” has been set up but it is too slow for certain regions which see it only as a means for the government to control them and the demonstrations which started in Madrid have spread to several large cities of the country. This Sunday, Pedro Sanchez announced the end of the state of emergency in the coming days in certain autonomous regions, and the government meanwhile said that the "desescalada" could accelerate. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the retreat of Pedro Sanchez and his government.

Pedro Sanchez announces that Spain will be able to receive tourists in July and the resumption of La Liga on June 8th

Pedro Sanchez announces that Spain will be able to receive tourists in July and the resumption of La Liga on June 8th

Spain is one of the most affected countries in the world by the coronavirus epidemic and is still in a state of emergency. Tourists and expatriates are affected by the measures implemented in Spain, but this could change quickly. Pedro Sanchez announced this Saturday that tourists will be able to come to Spain again in July, and also that the Spanish football championship (La Liga) will resume the week of June 8th, obviously with strict security and safety measures. 'hygiene. Professionals in the Spanish tourism sector (12% of GDP) will have to wait before hoping to raise the bar for a year which already looks bleak. Expatriate assistant Lisbob tells you all about Pedro Sanchez’s announcements.

Check out the zones that go into phase 1 and 2 in Spain from this Monday, May 25th

Check out the zones that go into phase 1 and 2 in Spain from this Monday, May 25th

Spain has embarked on the β€œdesescalada”, the deconfinement plan which will be divided into 4 phases. As of Monday 25th May, certain regions which were still in phase 0 will go into phase 1 of the deconfinement plan, authorizing certain activities and businesses to resume. The others will go into phase 2 and will have even more freedom. As of Monday there will be no more Spanish territory in phase 0 of the β€œdesescalada”. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you everything that is changing this Monday, May 25th in Spain.

Spain will not open its borders until the end of June

Spain will not open its borders until the end of June

With 27,650 deaths linked to the coronavirus, Spain is one of the most affected countries in the world and it is gradually implementing deconfinement measures. Tourism is one of the most impacted sectors, and travel restrictions are very strict in Spain. The borders being closed, neither tourists nor expatriates can move, except for valid reason. Spain announced on Monday its plan for the reopening of its borders and aims for free movement at the end of June, possibly at the same time as the end of the state of emergency scheduled for June 27th, if Pedro Sanchez obtains his extension. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the reopening of the Spanish borders.

Check out the zones that pass into phase 1 and 2 in Spain this Monday, Madrid and Barcelona still in phase 0

Check out the zones that pass into phase 1 and 2 in Spain this Monday, Madrid and Barcelona still in phase 0

Spain has embarked on the β€œdesescalada”, the deconfinement plan which will be divided into 4 phases. From this Monday, May 18th, certain regions which were still in phase 0 will pass into phase 1 of the deconfinement plan, authorizing certain activities and businesses to resume. The others are still in phase 0, like Barcelona or Madrid, and will have to reapply next week. Some Spanish islands will have the chance to go into phase 2. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you everything that is changing this Monday, May 18 in Spain.

Spain extends border closure until June 15th and let 5 airports open to foreigners

Spain extends border closure until June 15th and let 5 airports open to foreigners

Spain has embarked on the β€œdesescalada”, the deconfinement plan which will be divided into 4 phases. Nevertheless, the state of emergency is still in force and Spain has published two new decrees which extend the closing of the borders and which authorize 5 airports to receive people coming from abroad. The latter must justify a valid reason for going to Spain. These measures are in addition to the mandatory 14-day quarantine for those arriving from abroad, and clearly go against the European trend to reopen internal borders. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about extending border closings and open airports.

Demonstrations in Madrid to protest against lockdown and demand the resignation of Pedro Sanchez

Demonstrations in Madrid to protest against lockdown and demand the resignation of Pedro Sanchez

Spain has embarked on the "desescalada" for the past few days, but some have criticized the government of Pedro Sanchez and have made it known. After the United States and Germany, Spain is among the group of countries which has known protesters for containment measures and the management of the coronavirus crisis. Madrid residents began to demonstrate spontaneously 3 days ago, and have been demonstrating every night since. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about these protests against the government of Pedro Sanchez in Spain.

Spain imposes a 14-day quarantine on anyone coming from abroad and extends the closing of its borders to May 24th minimum

Spain imposes a 14-day quarantine on anyone coming from abroad and extends the closing of its borders to May 24th minimum

Spain has been engaged for a few days in the β€œdesescalada”, the deconfinement plan which will be divided into 4 phases. Among the points that remain outstanding, the resumption of international flights as well as the opening of borders, important subjects for expats. A first measure was taken on Tuesday with the obligation to remain in quarantine for 14 days for anyone coming from abroad. This obligation will apply from Friday, May 15th, throughout the state of emergency. Also, border controls are extended to at least May 24th. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about this mandatory 14-day quarantine for anyone arriving in Spain.

Deconfinement: what changes for zones in phase 1 from this Monday in Spain

Deconfinement: what changes for zones in phase 1 from this Monday in Spain

Spain has been engaged for a few days in the β€œdesescalada”, the deconfinement plan which will be divided into 4 phases. Each will include specific rules and prohibitions depending on the sector and activity, and each region will be assessed individually. As of Monday 11 May, certain areas of Spain are entering phase 1 of the deconfinement plan, authorizing certain businesses and services to open again. In addition, some restrictions are lifted but others remain in place. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you everything you can do starting this Monday, May 11 in Spain during this phase 1 of the deconfinement plan.

Check out the zones that pass into phase 1 in Spain this Monday

Check out the zones that pass into phase 1 in Spain this Monday

Spain has been engaged for a few days in the β€œdesescalada”, the deconfinement plan which will be divided into 4 phases. Each will include specific rules and prohibitions depending on the sector and activity, and each region will be assessed individually. As of Monday, May 11th, certain regions will go into phase 1 of the deconfinement plan, authorizing certain activities and businesses to resume. The others remain in phase 0 and will have to wait 2 weeks. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you everything that is changing this Monday, May 11th in Spain.

Barcelona will open its beaches this Friday, only for swimming and individual sport

Barcelona will open its beaches this Friday, only for swimming and individual sport

This is an event that many have been waiting for a while in Barcelona: the reopening of the beaches and the possibility of going swimming. This will be possible from this Friday, May 8: this is what the city hall of Barcelona announces, while specifying that it will still not be possible to swim in a β€œrecreational” way and that the beaches will not reopen to everyone once Catalonia has passed phase 3. Also, it will be necessary to respect the morning time slot between 6h and 10h. Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Spain, tells you all about the reopening of the beaches in Barcelona.