skills recognised in Spain — Blog Expats Spain - Lisbob Expats Assistant in Portugal, Spain and Italy

skills recognised in Spain

How to obtain a diploma equivalence and have your skills recognized in Spain?

How to obtain a diploma equivalence and have your skills recognized in Spain?

When you decide to go to live and work in Spain, it is important to know how to get your diplomas recognized and the steps taken to receive an equivalence of skills. The European Union has allowed the free movement of citizens since its creation in 1993: which means that you also have, theoretically, the right to practice your profession in each of the member countries and to have your degree certified. However, as you can imagine, the theory is simpler than the practice. Indeed, there are diplomas, professions and skills that may not be recognized in Spain, or that require to proceed with the steps to make them recognize and obtain equivalences in Spanish terms. If you want to work once installed in Spain, the question of the validation of your diplomas will certainly arise. Because it is important to be able to prove to your future employer or your clientele that you have the necessary knowledge, Lisbob has gathered for you the essential information on the recognition of diplomas and the equivalence of skills in Spain, called certification of título. How to obtain an equivalence or recognition of Spanish diploma and have your skills recognized in Spain? What are the steps to take and organizations to contact to have your degree recognized? Lisbob, the assistant of expats in Spain, tells you all about applying for and obtaining equivalence of diploma and recognition of skills in Spanish land.