school Portugal — Blog Live in Portugal - Expats - Lisbob Expats Assistant in Portugal, Spain and Italy

school Portugal

New Portuguese school: no break, take-away canteen and disinfection by the pupils themselves

New Portuguese school: no break, take-away canteen and disinfection by the pupils themselves

The coronavirus epidemic has already changed a lot of our habits, and this will also affect the youngest of us as soon as the start of the school year, scheduled in Portugal between September 14th and September 17th, resumes. With less than a month before the children going back to school, Portuguese health authorities are issuing recommendations for the safest possible return. Among the measures, the establishment of a take-away only canteen, the disinfection of chairs and tables by the students themselves and in some establishments the disappearance of breaks! Lisbob, the expatriate assistant, tells you all about the new Portuguese school.

Studying in Portugal : characteristics and particularities of the Portuguese university system

Studying in Portugal : characteristics and particularities of the Portuguese university system

Portugal is a country that makes many European students dream. Between its small typical villages and its big cities on a human scale, its olive groves, beaches and surf spots, Portugal attracts more and more students eager to taste the Portuguese way of life. Studying in Portugal is trendy and there are good reasons for this. For a few years now Lisbon has aspired to be an Erasmus city, but what about Portuguese studies and the university system ? How to come to study in Portugal ? What are the differences between the Portuguese and other European countries university system ? Is it possible to come to study easily in Portugal ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you everything you need to know about the characteristics and functioning of the Portuguese university system, to prepare your studies or your Erasmus in Portugal.