
find an intership in Lisbon

Internship in Portugal : how to find it, get prepared and intern like a boss

Internship in Portugal : how to find it, get prepared and intern like a boss

Portugal is a country that, although affected by the crisis, attracts students and academics who wish to do their internship there. Sun, cost of living, quality education system: there are many reasons to work in Portugal. Many Portuguese companies now wish to receive qualified students on internship, with the aim of hiring them afterwards. However, there are rules and you have to be careful to respect them. If you want to find your internship in Portugal, whether as an extension of an Erasmus or a diploma, many tracks are available to you. What are the sectors that hire trainees ? What are the conditions to be able to do an internship in Portugal ? How to find it and on which sites to look for it ? Lisbob, the expatriate's assistant in Portugal, tells you everything you need to know to find, prepare and do your internship in Portugal.