

Portuguese yellow vests join carriers' strike and threaten to block the 25th of April bridge on Monday

Portuguese yellow vests join carriers' strike and threaten to block the 25th of April bridge on Monday

The strike of the fuel carriers is gaining momentum in Portugal. While everyone thought of spending a rather quiet month in August, the fuel shortage is already being felt in the country and the government has declared a state of energy crisis, requisitioning the army to provide the minimum service. As if that was not enough, Coletes Amarelos (the Portuguese yellow vests) decided to join the strike and call for the blocking on Monday, August 12th of the famous bridge of April 25th. Other actions are also planned in other parts of the country. After the show of force failed last November when the movement had struggled to gather, the yellow jackets-yellow hope this time mobilize. What are the Portuguese yellow jackets? What actions will be put in place? Lisbob, the expatriate's assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this energy crisis and this movement of Portuguese yellow-jackets.

Portuguese government decrees the state of energy crisis from 23h59 this Friday : Army ready to intervene

Portuguese government decrees the state of energy crisis from 23h59 this Friday : Army ready to intervene

The Portuguese government has decided to put the country into energy crisis from tonight until 21 August. Following the announcement of the fuel carriers' strike which is supposed to start on Monday, August 12th, the Portuguese government imposes certain rules that will affect the users, going as far as the use of the army in order to provide the minimum service. Each car can now fill only 25 liters of fuel. The situation is already tense in some pumps with stations already in short supply, and that is why the government admits having to requisition the army. What does this state of energy crisis mean in Portugal? Where to find fuel? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this energy crisis.