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Up to 70% more tax for Alojamento Local owners : ALEP is raising the alarm

Up to 70% more tax for Alojamento Local owners : ALEP is raising the alarm

It could be the cold shower for owners of touristic and seasonal rental property in Portugal. Indeed the ALEP, the association of Alojamento Local in Portugal (seasonal and tourist rental) warned this Thursday that the increase in the tax for housing included in a containment zone represents a tax increase of at least 43% and up to 70% in some cases. Although nothing is yet final, the Portuguese State Budget for 2020 suggests a sharp increase in taxes for owners of Alojamento Local registered property in containment areas. This increase, deemed excessive by professionals in the sector, jeopardizes several hundred jobs and calls into question the profitability of Airbn’b type seasonal and tourist rentals. What are the details of this tax change for the Alojamento local ? What are the expected consequences ? Lisbob, the expatriate assistant in Portugal, tells you all about this tax increase for owners of vacation rental homes.