
Italian public health system

Italian public and private health systems

Italian public and private health systems

When expatriating to Italy, it is important to be aware of the rules and customs concerning the Italian public and private health care systems. The Italian public health system is called Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN) and it ranks 22nd in Europe, about ten places behind France. Expatriates in Italy will be able to choose between two types of health plans: the public health system, Assicurazione Generale Obbligatoria (AGO), or to complement it with a private health insurance. The quality of treatment and waiting times in the Italian public health system vary greatly from one region to another, which is why many expatriates choose to supplement their health coverage with private insurance. What are the characteristics of the health care systems in Italy? What are the differences between public and private health care systems? Lisbob, your expat assistant in Italy, answers all your questions on how to be treated and how to stay healthy.