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3 € per hour and first pass for free : discover new parking rules in Lisbon

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Parking in Lisbon will become more expensive. The private company EMEL will create two new tariff zones in the Portuguese capital, more expensive than those already existing. Indeed, after the green, yellow and red zones, Lisbon will also have brown areas and even black areas, whose parking will cost € 3 per hour and will be limited in time. The first resident parking pass for each home will be free and large families will have benefits. What are the changes to parking in the Portuguese capital ? What consequences for the creation of these new areas ? Lisbob, the expatriate's assistant in Portugal, tells you all about the new parking areas.

3 € per hour and first pass for free : discover new parking rules in Lisbon

The first pass for free 


The changes were presented at a press conference by Mobility Adviser Miguel Gaspar (PS), as part of the new General Regulation on public parking in Lisbon, which should be submitted for public consultation at the end of the year. month.


The new regulation aims above all to "improve the availability of public car parks for residents", said Miguel Gaspar, adding that the first parking pass (distico verde) for each household will become free and that citizens will only request a pass "This measure will benefit approximately 50% of families.

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However, "the third pass will be more expensive" in areas of Lisbon where there is "a greater parking pressure". Also in large families with three or more children, where the youngest is up to 2 years old, it will be possible to ask for a parking space in front of his house ".


The adviser explains that the ultimate goal is that it becomes more expensive to park in the street than to park in a parking lot.

New parking areas : brown and black


EMEL will also create two new tariffs in the Portuguese capital, which will correspond to the colors brown and black and will cost respectively two euros and three euros per hour, with a maximum of two hours.


Although these areas are not yet fully defined, Miguel Gaspar said they would be implemented in the central axis, namely the Avenida Fontes Pereira de Melo and Avenida da Liberdade.


Currently, there are three rates:

- Green area costs 80 cents an hour;

- Yellow area costs 1.20 euro per hour;

- Red area 1,60 euro per hour.


Some of these measures will be implemented later this year and others only in the first half of next year.

Parking in Lisbon will become more expensive

Freguesia mayors divided


Ana Maria Gaspar, president of the parish council of Avenidas Novas, is pleased with the changes, as they respond to an old complaint from the inhabitants of her parish. "There are a lot of places available and not used in underground car parks, so this is a measure we think is appropriate," she said. Indeed EMEL expects that, given the increase in prices, these municipal car parks are used more regularly by motorists.


For his part, Vasco Morgado, president of the Junta de Santo António, predicts more chaos in traffic in Lisbon and thinks that the streets around the most expensive areas will suffer more "wild" parking pressure.

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"If today residents can not park, then people fleeing three or four euros parking will create additional pressure in the surrounding areas.With the excuse of the" parking pressure ", this will cause a the movement of traffic from Avenida da Liberdade to São José Street and Escola Politécnica will be chaos in the surrounding area, but it seems that there is only the central axis that exists in Lisbon " said Vasco Morgado.


"Lisbon has one thing, I know it's boring, called Lisboetes, there are still people living in Lisbon who need a place to park," said Vasco Morgado.

Towards soaring price of garage spaces in Lisbon


Another consequence of this new measure is that private parking spaces will also see an increase in their value, especially in the areas affected by the new rates.


Some already anticipate this rise in parking prices in the Portuguese capital and do not hesitate to post it. It is indeed already possible to find parking spaces in Avenida da Liberdade for 350 € per month.

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